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Richard Wright - fan tributes Print E-mail
Monday, 15 September 2008

The sad passing of Richard Wright affected fans across the world. Some of the many tributes paid to Richard from the fans are included here, along with a couple of pictures taken by the fans that were felt appropriate for inclusion.

Paul Johnson
A sad day for all of us. A great loss for Pink Floyd fans and more importantly, for his family.

Bill Dorn
How appropriate that Richard wrote The Great Gig in the Sky. I know he's up there, looking down on all we mortals, playing his keyboards for all those who have passed on before us. This makes the Live Eight reunion all that more special. Because it can never happen again.

Condolences to the Wright family. The world has lost a gentle soul. Rest in Peace, Rick.

RIP Richard Wright - JensJens Evers
I heard this terrible and very sad news an hour ago. I'm just 24 hours back from my vacation in Italy, the very same country where Rick has spent a lot of his time the last couple of years.

While in Italy I took this very Floydian picture. It seems to me that it is the right picture for this sad moment. Let's remember Rick for his good music... Please see picture to the right - click the thumbnail.

Oyvind Gjesdal
On behalf of the Norwegian people I will say it was a sad news to hear about Richard. He will be deeply missed, not only because of his great music, but also because of his great personality. Our thought goes first to the family of Richard and also the members of early Pink Floyd. The music will continue to live on. Rest in peace.

Martin Bell
Sad, sad day. Thoughts & best wishes to his family & friends.

Muchas gracias Richard, ud no sabe cuantas veces su musica y la de Pink Floyd fue la única razón para mantenerme en pie... y no caer...fue mi única compañía cuando ya no quedaban nadie...

Uno de los cuatro del mejor grupo de la historia se ha ido.

Mis condolencias a sus familiares.

Vesa-Matti Sarenius
Rick has died... What a sad, sad day.

Simon Dixon
Such sad news for such a talented guy. Lucky enough to see Richard a number of times including Live8 and with Dave at the Albert Hall. Sincere respect to the great man and condolences to his family and friends.

John Johnstone
Words cannot express how sad I feel, what a great loss.

Lewis Mughal
I am truly devastated at the news of Rick Wright's sad sad death. It was completely unexpected and the world will miss him! RIP Rick Wright.

Vicky Burbage
My deepest condolences to Richard Wright's family and friend, and to all those that worked with him. He will be missed greatly.

Robin Sadler
One of the pinnacle sounds of the Floyd has gone - totally gutted...totally speechless... what a keyboard player. Such a unique sound... Echoes... Inside out... this truly is the end of Pink Floyd. Such a sad day, thoughts to his wife and family.

Scott Harvey
I'm so sorry to hear Richard Wright has passed away! It's a great loss to his family and friends, who will be in my thoughts during this most difficult time. It's a terrible illness, to watch someone have, and I've already lost someone to it. So with my deepest sympathy and respects to Richard's family; may peace be with them.

Phil Rogers
How very saddening to hear of Richard's death today. My condolences to his family.

Sheldon Tamsett
For me Rick's significant contribution and sound prevented Pink Floyd from being just another Rock'n'Roll band. A very sad day but I would like to thank Rick for leaving me with such wonderful music and corresponding memories. My thoughts go to Rick's wife and family and to his second family where love, pain and joy used to reign; to Roger, Nick and David.

Rab Horne
Very, very sad to hear about Rick's passing. A huge loss to the rock world. Thanks for the Floyd sound Rick RIP.

Diarmid Langley
I was saddened - knocked sideways even - when I heard last night of the sad departure of Rick Wright. I grew up listening to PF (my older brothers were both huge fans) and have always loved the full, rich sound which his keyboards brought to all of their music. With all the wrangling over the years over who did what to whom and when, it seems to be easily forgotten that their best work was their truly collaborative work and that Rick was not just 'the keyboard player' with Pink Floyd - he was a major contributor throughout their long and illustrious career. Sadly, I was only ever able to see PF play live once - an experience I truly treasure - and now I guess I'll never have the chance to see them again. But with such a legacy, there will always be joy for me in listening to Rick's truly wonderful melodies and soaring counterpoints. Thank you so much - enjoy your final Great Gig, Rick.

Betty Morgan
My sincere condolences to Mr. Wright's family and friends.

I've been listening to PF since I was 15 (I'm now 50). PF is my favorite band of all time. No one (no band) can compare to them. Everyone else pales in comparison.

I've followed as much news as the band allows and did go to see them for the 'Division Bell' tour in 1994 - Houston, TX; we had a typical Texas thunderstorm that night, and the laser lights inside Rice Stadium shimmered through the rain, like each raindrop was a particle of sparkling, multi-colored light. It was beautiful, it was magical (I was sober as a judge; I don't drink or do drugs). A lot of people complained (not real PF fans, I would say), but I thought it was great. I was just so happy to be there among 45,000 people singing "Wish You Were Here".

Mr. Wright will be sorely missed. My sincere regards and deepest sympathy to his friends, family and children.

Roger Vaughan
I would like to offer my love and sympathy to the family of Richard Wright and express my deep sadness at the passing of such a great musician and warm human being. Pink Floyd's music has been an important part of my life for many years and I recognise so well the significant component provided by Richard: so many pieces were made wonderful simply by his piano playing alone. I actually had the great fortune to meet him not long after the 2005 live8 reunion, enabling me to express my gratitude and congratulations to him for the great Hyde Park performance and for the beautiful music he had given to the world that will always be heard: he responded in his characteristic friendly, warm and modest way. Please play your music Richard wherever you have gone, you will always be missed.

I can only feel that The Great Gig in the Sky has a more deeper and profound meaning now. I am so sad Richard Wright is gone. Heaven needs him more. I only hope the tickets are easier to get in heaven. I just listened to Us and Them and was brought to tears at the end, "The Old Man died". At this moment the ending of the song that defines Richard Wright's contribution to Pink Floyd could not be more surreal.

Srdj Brown
I want to extend my sadness concerning Rick Wright's passing. I cannot begin to express my sorrow. Wright, with Floyd, has given me happiness for thirty years. I shall miss him terribly.

Brian Mallia
I'm shocked and very sad to learn of the sudden death of Richard Wright, the sound genius of our great band Pink Floyd. Unfortunately although I never had the honour to meet, see or contact this great man, I saw a down-to-earth individual of enormous talent and great heart.

I, like so many fans around the globe, loved him and I miss him so much. Richard will never be forgotten. May he rest in peace with God forever and ever. I pass my condolences to his family and many friends.

I would like to offer my deepest condolences to the Wright family at this hard time. Whilst I did not know him, Richard Wright seemed like a peaceful and kind person and the standing ovations he recieved in David Gilmour's 2006 tour were well deserved. He made some fantastic music, and whilst it was underrated, it was nevertheless brilliant. I am completely distraught to hear of his death as it was not widely known that he was ill at the time. Cancer is an evil disease and has affected my family including my father, and he unfortunately passed away a few years ago, which makes Richard's passing much more poignant to me personally. Richard was to many fans a brilliant keyboard and piano player and his playing will be sorely missed. RIP.

Christopher McKay
Please don't let it be true. He is my hero.

"...thought I'd something more to say."

Neil Parrott
So very sad to hear about Rick. The rock world has lost another great person. Will sink a few jars tonight. RIP - my condolences to his family.

Stephen Boyle
So sad to hear of Richards passing. He really was an absolute gem of a guy. Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time. Floyd wouldn't have been Floyd without Richard.

Rest In Peace and Shine On!

Lee & Harriet Barnes
We were so sorry to hear about Richard. Our condolences to the band and to his family. We have been fans of your music since Atom Heart Mother. Have seen you in concert twice, loved the entire show both times.

Our prayers are with you, the band and Richard's family. God be with you.

A rose for Richard WrightEd Campbell
This morning a friend of mine in Madison WI left, as a favor for me, a pink rose outside of Camp Randall Stadium in Madison with a note that says RIP Richard Wright and the date of the last time Pink Floyd played there (7-3-94). It was the only show of theirs I was able to catch (the previous tour I was 13). Please see picture to the right - click the thumbnail.

Just would like to pay our deepest respect and condolences to Richard's family. Me and my closest friends grew up with the Floyd in the 80s and 90s and are deeply saddened and shocked by his passing. It goes without saying that his contribution to the Floyd is quite remarkable, his style and technique on keyboards and piano is what made the Floyd sound so special, as well as his song writing contributions, especially on Dark Side and Wish You Were Here. Seeing him on stage and have fun on David's tour in 2006 was satisfying for all us fans, as we knew, he was back to his best and loving it. Richard, from me and my pals, we will miss you.

The great guy in the sky. Us And Them... will miss you. Remember a day... Nick, Roger, Dave does. Have a nice jam with Syd.

Bert van Kalker
Poor Richard Wright... May he rest in peace. He will surely be missed. Thoughts go out to his family and close friends...

Alan Wilkins
People come and they go - and it's sad when they depart - but, somehow, it's a harder blow when it's someone with a talent and a genuine side like Richard Wright. I'm well old enough to have followed the Floyd throughout - it is like having a piece of what formed your life and mind removed - a sign that we're all moving on? So, thanks for the music and the journey -- Shine on --

I was saddened to hear of Rick's passing. Even though we have never met, I feel as if I have lost a friend. His music will live on. I wish his family and those close to him the best at this difficult time. Pink Floyd forever!

Derek Harbottle
Richard Wright, and the rest of Pink Floyd, has been such a big part of my life. It's not just about their brilliant music but also the memories connected to it. For years I had dreamed of seeing a reformed Pink Floyd now we know for sure it will never be. Pink Floyd touched my life like no other band; my thoughts are with the surviving band members and Richard's family. I hope they find some kind of comfort in knowing just how many people are sharing their pain.

Diarmuid Duggan
Heartfelt sympathy to Millie and Family and his many friends, a gentle soul who played in the soundtrack to my youth, my 20's, 30's and now my 40's, I am truly shattered by the sad news, and he will live on in my heart and home forever.

I am so deeply saddened by the passing of our so very talented genius. He was taken from us way too soon. This group is so very precious to me that I feel like I lost a family member. I've been a devoted listener since the late 60s as well as a singer/musician myself so this really hurts. This is the best band of all time - bar none. I only wish the remaining geniuses would get together and do what they were put here on earth to do before it's too late. Life is too short. My tears are yours.

Martin Critchley
Sad news... My condolences to Rick's family, and to David, Nick and Roger; my thoughts are with you all. I am so glad you played together at Live 8.

Alberta Grimm
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Richard Wright. I have been to a Pink Floyd concert in Cleveland, Ohio; it was an truly great show that they did and they will never be forgotten ever in our souls and in our minds. Thank you so much for giving us beautiful music and lyrics - they will all be deeply missed by everyone and all their fans worldwide.

Lee Marsh
Sorry to hear about Rick. I'm 39 years old, and have been following the Floyd 25 years. Talking to the lads at work - it's a big factory so plenty of fans - everybody's just shell shocked it's quite enormous. Please send my condolences to Rick's family.

Dan Stewart
Richard played such a key role in the development of the sound of Pink Floyd. He has been so much underrated for the success of the band. Shine On Richard... ;(

Craig Mudinski
Poem dedicated to an inspiration Mr Richard Wright:

Looking up into the sky pondering why,
Where are the baby pelicans?
Reminiscing about days gone by, just like the ones I left behind
Big old planes, grand old ships justify where they lie

Now found amongst rubble and plankton
Once remembered for their blazing glory, now all that is left are their songs calling

Ceilings are high, life is flying by just like the glider,
there may be cracks in the wall, these anomalies we may not have the power to change

All must be grasped with utmost enthusiasm,
to keep this in mind inhale positivity exhale negativity, lock it away for this is the key

For whatever may be may be

God Bless Rick and his family and friends
Rest in Peace my friend

Bak1rc1 Family

We, the Bak1rc1 family from Istanbul must say that were shocked by the death of dear Richard Wright.

May he rest in peace. We would like to express our sincere condolences to his beloved family members and others.

We are sure that he was a good and giving person although we did not know him personally.

I and my beloved wife grew up listening to his music. Our 15 year old daughter is listening to his music too. Isn't that something? I think he accomplished a lot before his departure from this world. His inspirational music always gave us hope. And will continue to do so.

So, Richard thank you for doing something positive in this chaotic world of ours.

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