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Brain Damage Magazine - The History (part 3) |
Brain Damage goes from strength to strength, and from the UK to the US (officially at issue 28)...
Issue 21: September 1990
A4 glossy colour cover, 32 pages
The big feature in this issue was
our interview with Nick Mason. Also, there are some exclusive pictures
from the 1990 Berlin Wall concert, a report on the Knebworth 1990
concert, the first report on Roger's Ca Ira (which was to have been
premiered at the Bastille Opera in Paris on July 14th 1990!), the first
mention of Nick's history of the band, and some great close-ups from
the 1970 Hyde Park Pink Floyd concert!
Issue 22: Spring 1991
A4 glossy colour cover, 32 pagesThe
main focus of this issue are the Knebworth and Berlin 1990 concerts -
looking at the performances, and the releases of which there were
clearly a multitude, designed to empty our wallets! There's also a
large feature on the Wall animation auction, and the first part of a
look at the solo careers of the band members.
Issue 23: Summer 1991
A4 glossy colour cover, 32 pagesLots
of bits and pieces in this issue - the second part of the look at the
band members solo careers, a piece on a Gilmour charity concert in
Hackney, plenty of reviews of new releases, books, bootlegs, and the
Issue 24: March 1992
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesA
delay in the publication of this issue - it almost went under but was
saved at the last moment. Plenty of news to catch up on, a report on
the 1992 Seville Waters performance (and a perplexed Phil Beckett
talking about the new song, "Monkey Television"!), the first of a two
part look at 25 years of Pink Floyd (taking the signing with EMI as the
official starting point), and the first of the free subscriber-only
posters (reprint of the 1967 Alexandra Palace concert poster).
Issue 25: May 1992
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesThe
conclusion of the look at the first 25 years of Pink Floyd, reports of
Roger's new album and his performance in Los Angeles at the Walden
Woods project concerts, the arrival of a letters page and Uncle Custard
in his early guise of "The Consultant". Uncle Custard was, and still
is, a fountain of PF knowledge, and he was the sage consulted with all
questions - however trivial. There's also an exclusive look at the
recording sessions from The Wall. The second free poster is a reprint
of the 1973 Wisconsin concert advertisment cartoon.
Issue 26: July 1992
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesPlenty
of news to report, some video reviews, the continuation of the look at
The Wall recording sessions (including dated confirmation of the Beach
Boys booking, a look at the years 1978 and 1979. The poster is a
reprint of the Wembley 1972 concert poster.
Issue 27: October 1992
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesThere
is plenty of attention levelled at Amused To Death, Roger's new album
of the time. There was also dismay at the Shine On box set - not
meeting expectations, or maybe just people's wish lists for a box set?
There is also a definitive look at The Wall tours - aimed at providing
identification of each and every concert, for all those unofficial
recordings that are out there! There's also the conclusion of The Wall
recording sessions article. Poster is a reprint of the August 1980 Wall
show concert poster.
Issue 28: February 1993
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesThe
official handover issue to Jeff Jensen. Lots of info on promo releases,
an exhaustive look at the Shine On box set, and a look at some of the
early concert performances available on "private recordings". The
poster is for the 1968 LA show.
Issue 29: May 1993
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesLots
more lovely releases to spend money on - especially the ultra rare
promos, a preview of the first Brain Damage convention, a thorough look
at The Wall concerts, and the transcription of a very rare, long lost
Australian interview from 1971. The poster is advertising the 1972
French tour.
Issue 30: November 1993
A4 glossy colour cover, 20 pagesBrain
Damage are the first to break the news of the 1994 Floyd tour, there is
a report from the 1993 Cowdrey Park charity concert, a look at the Syd
Barrett "Crazy Diamond" box set and a thorough investigation into The
Dark Side Of The Moon! The poster is the British Winter Tour 1974 one -
no, not the characature one, but a Nick Mason designed "Do it yourself
full colour poster": a paint-by-numbers effort!
----- No concerts scheduled