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Live 8

This page collects together some of the comments Brain Damage has received from its visitors, about the band's Live 8 reunion on 2nd July, 2005, at London's Hyde Park. Our thanks to everyone who wrote in with their views; we only wish we could post them all! All pictures taken by Andy Whitworth.

--  Claudine Slater, Malta.

I always knew the band would get back together...after my father and his brother didn’t talk for 25 years and got back together I knew anything was possible. There is no question that this band with the aid of session musicians can afford to do one last tour - just look at the Rolling Stones, and I know Roger would definitely tour again...and there is no way that the band would tour without Roger. It just couldn’t happen without him; I give them another year to 2 years and you’ll see a tour.
--  Sean Baghai

It was great. The band sounded like a band. If ever there was a right time to put aside petty differences this was surely it. All floyd fans dream of the day that they hit the road again and recreate the great music they have given us for nearly 40 years. That may never happen so we'll just have to take 22 mins they gave us on Saturday and dream the rest.
--  Paul Burke

Having never seen the Floyd live, it was a great experience. The performance of Wish You Were Here brought a tear to my eye. But the most emotional part for me was the obvious delight Roger Waters was having playing again with his old band. He looked like a little boy out there, having the time of his life. For such a serious guy, that was just wonderful to watch.
From one fan, many thanks to the band for completing the circle.
--  Brent K. Walker, Toronto, Ontario

It was absolutely superb! A pity they only played 4 tracks, but better than nothing. Here's hoping they can be convinced to do a world tour! I am 23 years old from sydney. I cannot remember the last time I cried, but tears streamed down may face when I heard them play on the radio. I found it very difficult to even sing along. Even though I was lucky enough to be 7 rows from the front at Roger's In The Flesh Tour '02, I never imagined a reunion was on the cards. Good on Sir Bob for talking them into it! The sound was as if they had never broken up. Not bad at all for a bunch of old men! Truly the greatest band ever.
--  Phil Cosgrave

I sincerely hope everyone one around the world felt for one second the feeling I felt on July 2nd 2005. Seeing Pink Floyd reunite was possibly the most unforeseeable thing I ever thought possible. It was the kind of sight that made me think that anything is possible. I thank David, Roger, Richard, and Nick for coming together to play this concert. I will never forget 7/2/2005 and what it stood for; change is possible and it starts with us. I just thank Pink Floyd and Sir Bob for making us aware of what is going on.
--  Steven A. Valvano, Scotrun, Pennsylvania, United States

I live in Oz so when Floyd came on it was about 8:00am. I had my 3 year old son on my knee and halfway through Breathe he said "Mum, Dad's crying".
I began to think that we gotta strike while the iron is hot. I know we got zero chance but I reckon we should get a petition going for an reunited album/tour. Yeah, Gilmour has his current solo project and so has Waters but, why the hell not. Let's get 500,000 emails, all individualized personal pleas. It would not take long for word to get around, hell, we may end up with a million emails. Look, it's a long shot but so was last night.
--  Stu, Oz

This is only the beginning, please God make them tour together again! Yesterday Pink Floyd once again were on top of the world not only musically but also politically at the woodstock of the 2000's (the woodstock of this current generation...). We will live to remember this night forever, study it at school, dream about it at night, talk about it at daytime. Please God make them feel that they should and could do that mega tour together that we dream about every night before we go to sleep.
--  Itai Simon, Israel

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Wish I had been there. I'm 52 and reduced to tears. What can I say? Bloody marvellous!
--  Paul Gale

The best 20 minutes of my life to see Pink Floyd perform!!
--  Tony Wynne

Live 8I was one of the lucky 200,000 in Hyde Park (I was in the big screen areas) looking forward to watching live the Pink Floyd reunion. The band stood head and shoulders above the other acts, showing an incredible poise and timeless musical talent. I think the chosen set could not have been better from the opening Breathe setting the pace to the beautifully played Comfortably Numb passing through the classic Money and emotional and moving WYWH. It was a classy and remarkable act from the best ever rock band. I was delighted to see Roger enjoying himself and that smile Dave gave to Nick/Roger marking a defining moment. Musically, I though that the band played great except for a few minor slips and the audiovisual show was reminiscent of Pink Floyd standards. I was pleased to see the people enjoying this moment waving and chanting although for Floyd fans the sensations must have been much more vivid and profoud. By the time WYWH was being played, I was in tears and my emotions towards the end with Comfortably Numb were peaking. The final moment with the band standing together was very touching and emotive, although a feeling of sadness came to my mind when I realized that this was probably the last time the Pink Floyd were standing together. Thanks to Nick, Dave, Roger and Rick for this dream come true for all the Floyd fans. We will always remember this moment.
--  Sebastian Freille, Nottingham, UK

After I missed the Earls Court Wall concert all those years ago because the bloke who was supposed to drive us to London got drunk "by accident" (imagine sitting in Cardiff with ticket in hand while the Floyd were on stage in London!!!) I never thought that I could cry so hard about the Floyd again - I was wrong. I'm so glad I taped the show because I could hardly see the TV for tears. God bless Dave, Roger, Rick and Nick for having the grace to let us touch heaven again.
--  Skywise012000

What a show! I watched it on a Big screen with my girlfriend and Roger was right when he said it was emotional. Both my girlfriend and I, and I'm not ashamed to say it, had a tear in our eye throughout Wish You Were Here. I know it's only wishful thinking, but i hope they (Roger and David) can put the past behind them and get back to what they do best. Play Live!
--  Patrishia O'Connor

Pink Floyd the greatest band of all time was a sight to see. The band looked GREAT, and sounded brilliant! David looked well, and slimming down a bit from the release of his DVD in 2003. I watched in awe of a sight I thought would never happen! Living on the other side of the world (Hawaii) I tried and tried to get tickets, and would have give all my worldly possessions to have made the show. I actually cried two times while watching the wonderful show.
I have long said that by not playing anymore, the Floyd has no idea who they are effecting and in what way. I can only hope that the magic was felt in all of their hearts to fulfill my lifelong dream of actually seeing the greatest band of ALL time live and in person.
--  Rick Frazier, Maui HI

This cracking performance was one of their best "modern" shows I've heard with Gilmour getting the guitar solos spot on - heroic but not over-indulgent. Nick was giving the drums a fair thump during 'Money' and Rick's swirling organ chords swept majestically through the mix on "Comfortably Numb".
I'm no psychologist but the TV coverage made it look like Roger was doing all the work to make amends - did I see a look of smugness on Gilmour's face? It was definitely much warmer between Dave and Nick than Gilmour and Waters!
Chance of a reunion tour? I won't be clearing my diary yet...
PS. Would have preferred 'Axe', 'Cymbaline', and 'Set The Controls' but nobody's perfect!
--  Andy Gibbons

I thought floyd's performance was just sublime. Magnificent, silky-smooth and magical. And along with the who's fissile performance just before, were the two real powerhouse, show-stealers of the day: two of the finest rock guitarists in action back-to-back. A real treat. While apparently Gilmour has just turned down a $200m (now THAT's brand clout) offer to tour the reformed band in US, I hope that getting together for live8 will prompt a longer-term reconciliation that gets them on the stage once more. The demand is certainly there.
--  Jules Wright

I was petrified that it would somehow be an under-rehearsed embarrassment, or a let-down in some way. I should have known better. As soon as the opening heartbeat took root, I just knew it was going to be good. What a climax to a great days entertainment. There had been some really terrific performances - U2, Madonna, Scissor Sisters, Robbie Williams - but the Floyd were the tops, a fitting climax. I had not expected the usual range of effects, like the pre-recorded elements, and visuals: I suppose I thought it would be more 'intimate' like the concerts Gilmour did a couple of years ago. But, no, they were all present and correct, and the TV cameras even panned round at one point and there was the London Eye lit up and almost pretending to be the Floyds circular screen. Any niggles? Well, yes: like with other bands, the mix left something to be desired, as the keyboards, crucial to the feel of Comfortably Numb, were completely swamped. But in any case, we TV viewers could have been forgiven for believing that Rick Wright hadn't been invited to the party, so little did we see of him. And why did Gilmour look so grumpy at the on-stage ensemble finale? Still, that aside, it was a triumphant return, and who knows what it might lead to - Nick Masons grin throughout the set said it all really.
--  Joolz

I'm sorry - got to rant to somebody - did Gilmour look at Waters once? Tried to leave the stage before "the hug" - at least Rog was trying to get a musical and visual connection going - Gilmour just staring ahead like a sheep... Also - did you think Gilmour looked miffed when Rog interupted intro to WYWH? Only a punk fan to complain to here... Sorry!
--  James MacDonald

WOW! All I can say again and again is WOW!!! I can't believe what I just saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears! The Real Pink Floyd playing music together again! Roger, Rick, David and Nick - and nobody else backing them up, like the army of session players on the last two Roger-less "Floyd" albums and tours. No, just the sax player (wasn't it Dick Parry from the original recording?) on Money and the soul singers to help sweeten Comfortably Numb to round out a great (but WAY too short) performance by the "boys". This was the second best reunion we could ever hope for (after, of course, the Beatles, which of course never happened). It was fantastic to see Roger smiling and rocking with his old mates, Rick really soaring on his Hammond. I've got to hope that this great reunion for them will lead to a full-fledged concert, perhaps like the recent Cream reunion shows in London. Not a tour, because I think that would dispell the magic for them. Not that I wouldn't go to see them if they did come here! But I would love to see them do like four shows at, say, Earl's Court, getting around to playing almost everything from their history together, all recorded on DVD of course. I just can't imagine they would have but a 20-minute reunion and then go their separate ways again. No, they looked real happy together up on stage. I'm glad as hell they did it, and I hope like hell they'll do it again!
--  Kirk Knighton age 49, who only saw Pink Floyd once, in 1973 on the Dark Side tour

I'm 55 and an ex-soldier. I cried!
--  Paul

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