The new issue of the US edition of Rolling Stone - issue 1158 - includes an interesting, one page Q&A with Roger Waters.
Naturally, the initial thrust of the short interview is the current tour of The Wall, which is heading towards its conclusion in July with the huge concert in Quebec. Roger gives an insight into his movements after the "Tear down the wall", talking about how he preps for the return to stage for Outside The Wall.
The most interesting comments come when asked what happens after this tour. "On the last leg, I started writing a new song that may be the key to at least one more album. It's called 'If I Had Been God'. I think I'm prepared to stick my head above this parapet - at my age, I care more about the truth and less about being shot at. I'm concerned now with extremist religious groups of all denominations." In previous interviews over the years, Roger has often mentioned songs or themes supposedly forming the bases of new albums, all of which seem to have come to nought. Hopefully, this one really will happen...
Our thanks to Stephen Humphries and our own Elliot Tayman for their help with this story.