For many, the long running pocket-sized magazine Reader's Digest is something they'd tend to come across in waiting rooms and other places, with a mix of articles that prove diverting while you are waiting to be called. It started back in 1922, and is read in localised editions all around the world. The April 2020 issue of the UK edition, however, has proved a definite surprise... The cover alone features someone you'd not tend to associate with Reader's Digest - the actor, Samuel L Jackson. Next to his right ear, though, is the headline for the article that Floyd fans in particular will be interested in: an eight page interview with Nick Mason "on patience, parenting and Pink Floyd". The principal thrust of the article is Nick looking back at his life, from the very early days of family holidays, and being introduced to the world of cars (including a picture I'd not seen before of a 13-year-old Nick admiring an old Rolls Royce), through to the development of the band. This covers the very early days, right up to his current project, Nick Mason's Saucerful Of Secrets (although there is little about this). You can purchase this issue online for despatch worldwide, rather than having to venture out to try and find a copy in one of the few stores still open at the moment.