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Classic Rock Magazine - 32 page Pink Floyd special Print E-mail
Written by Matt   
Saturday, 15 August 2015

Classic Rock Magazine, September 2015The new issue of the UK's Classic Rock magazine - published this week, issue 214, cover date September 2015 - is a real Pink Floyd feast. The magazine serves up a 32-page special on the Floyd within its page, which is designed to look at the band's 50th anniversary, and so Classic Rock "celebrates the dark and light sides of a monumental career".

The coverage gradually works through the band's history - from The First Gig, The First Producer and so on through to recent days, with the very sad passing of Syd and Richard. There are some wonderful pictures - including a set from Libby January - and a great selection of shots from over the years taken by Jill Furmanovsky, most previously unseen, including a lovely shot of Roger and David during the Live 8 rehearsals.

Talking of which, there's a really nice piece with the main protagonists in the Live 8 story, giving their memories of how events unfolded.

Of principal interest though is a new, six-page interview with David Gilmour. Excerpts of this interview have been picked up by various parts of the international press, all seizing on the one thing that will come of absolutely no surprise to even casual Floyd fans - David's comments that Pink Floyd as a working band are no more. Far more interesting are his recollections of his years in the band - and you find out which Floyd memory makes him cringe! He also talks about his new album in detail, and also what he thinks of the world of music in general these days.

The magazine is now available from all good UK stores, and will be in selected outlets worldwide in due course as an import. Alternatively, you can buy individual issues (again, worldwide) from their official store.

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