Atom Heart Mother DVD |
Released April 2005, by Classic Rock Direct
From the company that brought you
the Inside Pink Floyd release (and understandably there were some very strong feelings
from fans about that), comes this new DVD, promising the "only known
footage" of the Floyd performing Atom Heart Mother at the 1970 Bath
This is plugged heavily on the
rear of the box, and is illustrated not with a still from the footage
(and you'll know why in a minute) but curiously with a shot of the 1977
flavour touring band, complete with Snowy White in an Animals t-shirt!
The DVD sets out to trace the
history of the Atom Heart Mother suite in the 74 minute main feature,
and starts with establishing footage of the band from 1967/68. The
first shock is the terrible quality of the Look Of The Week footage
they use - I've seen a few versions over the years, and this is by far
the worst of the bunch.
Unfortunately other footage - more significant footage - on the DVD also displays problems, which I will come to.
Navigation is straightforward, with a well animated computer generated cow illustrating both the menus, and the chapter points.
Rock critic "Krusher" relates the
band's tale, with the help of journalist Chris Welch, and some other
music industry people. Krusher's strange delivery, very obviously
reading from an autocue, is interspersed with murky KQED and Stamping
Ground Festival footage. (KQED is a San Francisco based TV station, who
broadcast a stunning, audience-free live set in 1970). Krusher's
delivery of certain words is most distracting, as he puts strange
emphasis on things - a good example is when he refers to the original,
working title of AHM: The Amazing Pudding!
However, to the rescue comes the
irrepressible Ron Geesin, as entertaining as ever. He, of course,
co-wrote and arranged AHM, and was a vital element in the creation of
the piece. Ron is interviewed at his home, showing us his studio, his
collection of adjustable spanners(!), and talks of his creative
narrative provided by Ron is well worth checking out - he provides a
fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the trials and tribulations of
creating the work.
It is during his discussion of
financial restraints on the number of choir members, that we get our
first glimpse of the Bath footage. Letterboxed, resulting in the wrong
aspect ratio, and saturated in red, it is extremely difficult to make
out what you are looking at most of the time.
Frustratingly, too, we only get a
few tiny snippets of the performance, with no option to see the footage
as a whole, even in the (sparce) DVD extras section. And what we do get
to see, is a fraction of the complete performance of AHM at the show.
Many will be buying the DVD purely on the strength of this fabled
footage, so to treat it in this way is astonishing!
surprises include the use of the BBC's 1994 Omnibus documentary,
although the clips used are, again, in poor quality, looking to have
been sourced from a low bitrate mpeg version.
As the DVD progresses, the
subject matter turns to the rest of the album.
Curiously they only look
at Fat Old Sun and Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast, not even mentioning If
and Summer '68.
To ignore a pretty significant 40% of the album is...
odd! The coverage of Fat Old Sun is accompanied by the BBC 1971 radio
session recording, and is afforded equal time on screen as Alan's
Psychedelic Breakfast.
We were expecting Fat Old Sun to
get the lions share of coverage between the two tracks, being much more
significant a tune in the band's repetoire.
to the rest of the DVD, the extras are purely plugs for other Classic
Rock production - "Chillout to the Music of Pink Floyd" and "The Pink
Floyd Chamber Suite". The clips will give a flavour of their contents,
but otherwise are of limited interest.
The footage clips aside, the
sound and picture quality on the DVD are fine. Apart from Dolby Digital
stereo, we also get 5.1 and DTS soundtracks. These add little to things
(with nothing to choose from between both surround formats), and indeed
the most noticeable effect, particularly early on, is the rear channels
receiving a lot of the hiss from the source materials.
Overall, with the notable
exception of the Ron Geesin segments (which are the only segments on the DVD worth watching, for the true insights into the recording, from someone
intimately involved with it), this DVD is extremely disappointing, with some
real missed opportunities. Actually, that does seem to sum up ALL of the Classic Rock DVDs that we've seen to date - poorly done, and not something that we could ever recommend.
Should you still wish to order the DVD, it can be obtained from Amazon UK and Amazon Germany, currently.