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Goodwood Revival 2010 DVD (includes Nick Mason) Print E-mail
Written by Matt   
Friday, 10 December 2010

Goodwood Revival Festival 2010 DVDAlongside the Goodwood Festival of Speed, the Goodwood Revival Festival draws people from around the world for the annual celebration. Not just petrolheads attend, as the event sees the Goodwood estate turning back the clock to celebrate simpler times, with everything having a World War II/post-war flavour, from the look and feel of the circuit, the grandstands, and the cars, through to the officials and participants.

To be released on December 13th, "2010 Goodwood Revival" is the DVD souvenir of the event, and with Nick Mason one of those included on the DVD, we've taken a good look at the package...

With exhilarating on-track action, spectacular air displays, and a wealth of other attractions and entertainment, it is no wonder that the event is such a draw to so many. Over 134,000 spectators attended this year's Revival, with the vast majority dressing in their finest period fashions, showing off their tweed jackets and pleated skirts in the late September sunshine.

This year's Revival saw many great drives, with irreplaceable and extremely valuable cars taking part in the various races, driving wheel-to-wheel, with the inevitable collisions. The drivers certainly don't pussyfoot around the track, racing properly to the excitement of the crowd. One such race - the hour-long RAC TT Celebration sees Nick Mason giving Martin Brundle a pre-race briefing before Brundle set off in Nick's glorious Ferrari 250 GTO.

The 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain was marked in true Goodwood style with the nine veterans appearing on the grid in matching Jeeps, joined by Lord March (owner of the Goodwood Estate, and motoring enthusiast), who paid a heartfelt tribute. Also assembled were a Spitfire and Hurricane aircraft, the Band of HM Royal Marines, and the Royal Horse Artillery. The iconic aircraft of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight completed a fitting and emotional tribute. The Freddie March Spirit of Aviation welcomed an incredible collection of pre-1966 aircraft. The world's only remaining airworthy Hawker Demon aircraft from 1937 was voted the Freddie March Spirit of Aviation winner by a panel of celebrity judges, including actor Rowan Atkinson, chef James Martin, and from the world of music, Nick and Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson. The DVD includes Nick giving his thoughts on why the planes on display were just so special.

Throughout the DVD, there is wonderful camerawork, ranging from the various characters wandering around the site, infusing the place with a true retro feel, through to the main thrust of the DVD, the racing itself. To see such cars and drivers giving it their all, squeezing through the chicane side-by-side, or getting it wrong and mangling vintage bodywork, is enthralling.

The main feature, at 71 minutes long, gives an excellent flavour of the event, taking in most, if not all, of the main things that take place over the weekend. Clearly not a disk for the non-petrolhead Floyd fan, Nick's inclusions, however brief, might be the tipping point for some to indulge in this DVD (as with the other Goodwood DVD released recently). It also gives a wonderful insight into one of the world's best motoring events - one that it's hard to visit and not enjoy at least some aspects of!

You can order the DVD now from,, or Amazon UK, all of which offer it at around 40% off the normal retail price.

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