Further to our recent items regarding the news that Roger Waters will be making two new tracks available
soon on the internet, for his fans to download, we have some updates for you.
Firstly, we understand that, despite the delays there have been in getting it on to certain sites,
including Roger’s own Sony website - RogerWaters.com, the i-Tunes website, and other legal download services, they should be available within the next week. We will keep a close eye on this for you.
Originally, we were told that the two songs were "To Kill The Child" and "Leaving Beirut", but this seems to have changed as an interview with Roger in the latest "Hampton Jitney" magazine, the local news magazine of the Hamptons region, where Roger Waters appeared last night (August 7th) presenting selections from his forthcoming opera Ca Ira.
In the interview, he mentions: "...As we speak, Sony is putting two songs out on the web. These are two songs I wrote shortly after the invasion of Iraq last year. They are specifically about that, and my feelings about this, in the election year. It seems sensible not to try and wait to fit them into some album in the future, but, for better or worse, put them out there. They are kind of overblown demos really. And, for what it's worth, to stick my oar into the tub of US and British politics as well. There are two songs, one is called Berlin and the other is called To Kill The Child, that will be appearing very soon on the Sony website or iTunes. I've mixed them and delivered them."
Roger then mentions that "Sony has given them to Michael Moore [documentary film maker] who is putting together a compilation which will have something to do with Fahrenheit 911." As yet, there are no details of this compilation album available.
Finally, Roger hints at a possible attendance at a forthcoming concert - the Huggy Bear Benefit this
summer, run by Don Henley. He mentions that he may be doing a couple of songs there. As we get more on this, again, we'll let you know!