Trailer for new Dune movie includes version of Floyd's Eclipse
Written by Matt
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
At the time of writing this, more than 23 million people have already viewed the trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of Dune, Frank Herbert's sci-fi classic, and interest in the music included in the trailer has skyrocketed.
In the 1970s, director Alejandro Jodorowsky never got past plans for a Dune film, and famously approached Pink Floyd about writing the score. With this new version, director Denis Villeneuve decided to give a serious nod to that, and includes Eclipse (from The Dark Side Of The Moon) as the key underscore of the trailer.
The legendary Hans Zimmer came up with the new version for the trailer, which involved a hefty cast of musicians and singers. He and his choral contractor Edie Lehmann Boddicker put together a 32-voice Los Angeles ensemble, with 12 performed the lyrics with choral parts by the remaining 20. Lehmann Boddicker said: "He wanted to pay homage to the original, very back-phrased sound, a little spaced-out, so the vocals would not sound urgent. There's a kind of joy happening in the track, a lot of hopefulness. It's not despondent, just very peaceful and sounding not of this planet."
Musicians included in the trailer were programmer Steven Doar, Chinese-American cellist Tina Guo, Colombian bassist Juan Garcia-Herreros and English guitarist Guthrie Govan (well known for his work with Steven Wilson). Zimmer told Variety in June: "I can keep a lot of musicians busy – in Australia, in Europe, in England, in America. I'm sort of working on four continents. Time zones are not my friend right now."
Our thanks to those who have got in touch regarding this, including Vaughan Burton. Here's the trailer for the film, including THAT music: