The UK's well respected magazine
"The Word" includes an intriguing tribute to Syd Barrett in the
September issue of the magazine, out this week.
Word Magazine, September 2006 |
Author Toby Manning (responsible
for a forthcoming book about Pink Floyd - more on that shortly)
interviews Joe Boyd, Andrew King and Peter Jenner about the early days
of the band, and the rapidly worsening condition of Barrett, leading to
his withdrawl from the world of show business, and the subsequent years
of living in his mother's house in Cambridge.
In a well-written piece, Manning
(with the help of Boyd, King and Jenner) takes a look at the delicate
balancing act of the time - being protective towards Syd, yet
encouraging the typical 60s idea of "personal freedom".
The influences and pressures on
Syd and the rest of the band are drawn into sharp relief. King talks of
the disastrous US tour in the autumn of 1967, which lead straight onto
the Jimi Hendrix tour, playing two shows a day:
"Going from that American tour, to the Hendrix package, what the fuck? I'm surprised they didn't all
go nuts. If Syd had got a machine gun and shot the lot of us, we'd
probably have deserved it." He continues: "Everything was rolling out
of everyone's control."
King, Boyd and Jenner all express
their sadness at his passing, and of how they grew to know Syd less and
less. "It's typical that there's no official line as to how he died,"
says Jenner. "Syd remains a mystery man. I'm still receiving and
passing on rumours." Manning notes that Barrett's old friends couldn't
even find out where the funeral was. "I've been doing this funny sort
of grieving in a vacuum", said King, "for someone who really has become
an imaginary person..."
The magazine is available internationally in selected stores, as an import, or can be ordered directly by mail order, from
Other features in the publication include an indepth look at the music
of the early eighties. Some very amusing fashions and haircuts in
evidence, along with some healthy doses of hindsight from those
interviewed about those days. There are also interviews with Bruce
Springsteen and Evan Dando.