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Roger Waters news wrap-up Print E-mail
Written by Matt   
Monday, 17 October 2005

Two bits of Roger Waters-related news for you today. Firstly, last night saw the MSN Chat with Roger, which turned out to be shorter than expected and disappointed many of those who were able to see it (MSN Chat being blocked to a number of countries, the UK included).

We have got a transcription of the whole interview in our Waters Interviews section; in the half-hour that it ran, few questions were posed that were out of the ordinary, resulting in little new information.

The majority of questions related to Ca Ira, and its development. On asked about putting on a performance of the opera at the Place de la Bastille, in Paris, he responds: "It would be great to do a production there, I am doing one in Rome Nov. 17th and 18th this year, and if I do one in Paris, a better place would be Place de Concord."

On the subject of touring, he is also asked about his plans - specifically relating to Argentina. "I had a great time in South America. Argentina was fantastic. Definitely not in '06 but I'm seriously looking in '07. A big tour with the Northern and Southern hemisphere." We are guessing that his plans for a tour next year have been put back due to the accompanying album not being close enough to completion?

Finally, when asked what has been the highlight of his career, to date, Roger said that "in the recent past I guess the Live 8 show - those few minutes were very cool to be back on stage with the band. It was a very cool moment."

Our thanks to Michael Mastropaolo, who sent over the full interview shortly after it was finished.

Recently, our good friend Christian Diemoz caught up with Marianne Faithfull to ask her about her just released DVD, Live in Hollywood. He couldn't resist asking her some Roger Waters related questions, and has kindly sent them over to us. I know many have puzzled over the inclusion of Roger's otherwise unreleased 1968 track, Incarceration Of A Flower Child, which appears on Marianne's 'Vagabond Ways' album, performed by her with Roger on bass. She also performed at the 1990 Wall concert...

[Earlier in the interview] I mentioned two artists who recently contributed to your records, but you've worked with lots of people (especially for Kissin' Time).

- Almost too many, I think.

Who's been the toughest one?

- Oh God, that’s not a very nice question. I would never tell you!

So, I’ll pass to the next one. Talking about tough characters, again... You've been part of "The Wall" show given by Roger Waters in Berlin in 1990: is he as hard as everyone says, or is he just demanding the best from himself, and from the people around him?

- I love Roger. He’s just demanding an awful lot from himself. But all those kind of people do. And he’s competing with himself continuously. He’s one of the sweetest persons I know.

Have you particular memories from that show in Berlin?

- Yes. It was the first time I met Roger. I was a bit nervous, but I had a lot of fun. You know, The Chieftains, Van Morrison, The Band... It was a great time: to do The Wall on the wall, very exciting.

Can you tell me the story behind Roger's 1968 unrecorded song Incarceration Of A Flower Child, included in your Vagabond Ways album?

- I don’t really know the story. I just know it was a song that he wrote in 1968 and put away, and never gave to Pink Floyd. But I’m sure lots of musicians have songs like that. I didn’t wrote the song, so I don’t know.

And who's the artist you'd have worked with, but you did not?

- I’d love to work with Bob [Dylan].

And it never happened due to...?

- And I don’t think it never will, but I’d love to! [laughs]

Our thanks to Chris for sending this over. She seems to play her cards close to her chest - maybe Roger will one day reveal the story behind the song. Last year, with Roger's son Harry on keyboards, she performed the song live in Copenhagen. Certainly it's a song that Floyd fans will find interesting and intriguing - worth checking out.

UPDATE - 19th OCTOBER: Guy Pratt was browsing the site today and picked up on this story. He told us this bit of amusing trivia: "I co-wrote 'The Wilder Shores Of Love' with Marianne on the Vagabond Ways album, so there are songs from both Floyd bassists on it!" We understand his show is peppered with stuff like this, so be sure to check it out, and as a taster, LBC Radio are this Saturday interviewing Guy on the 10:30am Jenny Eclair radio show. They have a "listen live" facility, so tune in!

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