We've had a lot of emails enquirying
as to the well-being of Pink Floyd's keyboard player, Richard Wright.
Many of you will recall that he missed the UK Music Hall Of Fame
induction, as he was recovering from an eye operation (although Roger
Waters jokingly denied this, stating that they were, in fact, living
together in Rome!).
Richard Wright |
We today heard that Richard's
recovery has gone well - in fact, our source tells us that he was
skiing this morning, so that just goes to show how well it has gone!
Hopefully this news has set some minds at rest.
In other news, Pink Floyd have
triumphed in a Polish radio poll. Radio 3 ("Trojka") have just
broadcasted "Top Wszechczasow" ("Top Of All Times") where listeners
vote for their ten favourite songs of all time. For the first time in
the history of the poll Pink Floyd grabbed the number
one spot, with another two songs in the top 10.
It was "Another Brick In The
Wall" that made the top spot, beating "Brothers In Arms" by Dire
Straits, "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, and "One" by U2, who
were also vying for the position. Elsewhere, "Wish You Were Here" got
to number 7, "High Hopes" reached number 10, "Hey You" reached number
23, "Shine On" got to number 25, "Comfortably Numb" to number 29, and
finally, "Time" made it to number 43.
Our thanks to Marek Grzesiak for the info, which, from past feedback, quite a number of you are interested in.
Finally, things will no doubt
quieten down for a short while, with the Christmas festivities and, for
many people, holidays. News will therefore be patchy at times, with
many companies effectively closing down until January, but we will keep
providing all your Floydian requirements throughout. Amongst these will
be any news that happens, along with some articles, reviews and other
features that we've not had time to do over the last few, hectic months.
It just leaves us to wish all of
you the compliments of the season, whether or not you celebrate
Christmas. We hope you have enjoyed your visits to Brain Damage over
the year, and look forward to providing plenty of good stuff for you in
So, Merry Christmas, Happy
Holidays, Gesëende Kersfees, Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo,
Glædelig Jul, Zalig Kerstfeast, Joyeux Noel, Froehliche Weihnachten,
Buone Feste Natalizie, IL-Milied It-tajjeb, and if not included here,
whatever it is in your own language - have a great time from the Brain
Damage team!