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New German Roger Waters interview Print E-mail
Written by Matt   
Sunday, 07 December 2003

A new, quarterly, German magazine, specialising in interviews, has just had its first issue published. The 256 page Galore Magazine, published by Vision GMBH, is now in shops and kiosks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and includes forty interviews with personalities from the worlds of music, film, fashion, literature, sport and art.

The first issue includes interviews and "high quality photography" with the likes of Thom Yorke (Radiohead), HR Giger (strange artist, created the "Alien"), Michael Stipe (REM), Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Spike Jonze (film producer), Bjork, and Roger Waters, amongst others! We have not yet seen the magazine itself, just the press release and the cover, but are getting a copy shortly.

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