Acclaimed artist and caricaturist Gerald Scarfe, who provided the wonderful, savage animation for Pink Floyd's The Wall project, has announced an upcoming show. Gerald occasionally gives illustrated talks on his work, and we recently enjoyed his talk at the British Museum in London, where he covered his story in detail.
His next talk is on Tuesday December 7th, at 7pm at the Cochrane Theatre, in London. As anyone who has already seen his show will testify, it is a fascinating and illuminating look at his work, from a boy, to the present day, taking in work for satirical magazine Private Eye, The Sunday Times, Punch, Pink Floyd, and Disney!
As part of the show, clips from Pink Floyd - The Wall, and Disney's Hercules, are shown on screen, to demonstrate how things progressed from early pencil drawn concepts, into the final versions. Definitely not a show to be missed!
The tour is also tied in with his latest book - Heroes & Villains - which was published last year and is a collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery. Images of well-known figures, selected from the National Portrait Gallery's collections, are juxtaposed with Scarfe’s caricatures of the sitters.
Be sure to check out Gerald's website - for details of this, and news of
additional shows as they are announced.