Released as a German translation
last September, the book "Inside Out: Pink Floyd. Eine persönliche
Geschichte von Nick Mason" has sold well. To help with the promotion,
Nick is returning to Germany next week on the latest leg of his book
Nick Mason in Berlin
Pics thanks to Chris McKay |
There are a few places where you
will be able to see Nick on the tour, and most of these will include an
interview or chat session with him.
We know that a number of you were
disappointed when we initially brought you the news of Nick's latest
visit to Germany, as at the time he was only doing one appearance,
which was on the same day (but in a different place) to David Gilmour's
concert in Frankfurt.
You now have other opportunities to meet Nick,
you'll be pleased to hear!
The main reason for Nick's journey to Germany, is to attend the Internationales Literaturfest in Cologne, but he will be doing the following appearances whilst there:
- Friday 17 March
14.00-15.30 hours:
Leipzig Congress Center, Westfluegel, Mehrzweckflaeche 2. This is a
'Talk and Sign' ie. a kind of interview session followed by a signing.
- Saturday 18 March
15.00-16.30 hours: Cologne - Mayersche Buchhandlung, Neumarkt-Galerie, Neumarkt. Signing in a bookshop.
- Saturday 18th March
19.30 - 21.00 hours: Cologne - Gloria Theater, Apostelnstraße 11: 'Talk and Sign'. This is a ticketed event - details below.
- Sunday 19th March
11.00-12.30 hours: Mainz - SWR Broadcast Studio: 'Talk and Sign'. You need to register for attendance to this; details below.
Tickets for the Gloria Theater event in Cologne can be ordered through this link.
Turning to the Mainz book signing,
it is a public event at the SWR in Mainz but people have to register
for the performance in advance (until Thursday, 16th March). They have
to send an e-mail to SWR1, at an email address that appears here on
Much thanks to our friends over at Pink Floyd Management, and also to Ulrike, for their help.