As we mentioned back on January 26th, The Idea Generation Gallery (IGG) has announced that an exhibition of Syd Barrett's art and letters will be held in London in spring 2011. There will be associated music, film and talk events. Planning is well underway, and you can register to be kept informed by visiting and registering. The organisers hope to announce exact dates by the end of December.
This exhibition of art, photography and letter will be bigger and better than the last "Syd Barrett - The City Wakes" held in Cambridge - not only do the organisers again have the support of Syd's sister, Rosemary, but also they have pledges from several old friends of Syd's and art owners to show previously unseen pieces. They also have pledges to loan two considerable collections of letters.
However, the intention is to mount the most comprehensive display of Syd's work, and also, with the expert input of Will Shutes (assistant editor at "The London Magazine"), to provide some serious art interpretation. There will be twice the gallery space as previously, and will be using more innovative and attractive display techniques as well. This should be a real treat!
They've had some people contact them since our last appeal, but have asked more of you for your help...
Do you have any original works by Syd, letters from him, or rare
photographs of, or by him that throw light on his thoughts and actions
that you can loan?
But why loan your private pieces, you may ask?
Brian Wernham, the curator of the art exhibition says:
"There are 4 reasons for those that are lucky enough to own 'Syd'
artworks to offer them for loan for the exhibition. There are advantages
to the owners of such work in loaning their work, which is why I will
be loaning 6 'Syd' pieces myself:
- It is great to spread 'the word' about Syd's creative abilities
(not just music) to a new generation of admirers
- Beautiful art should be seen by as many as possible not hidden away
- There are hidden connections in his art that can be seen when they
are placed next to each other (as will be demonstrated at the
- The provenance of items will be strengthened by inclusion in the
official exhibition catalogue (forgery and bad resales of some artists
on eBay is becoming a real problem)."
To all owners: please contact Brian at
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so that he can discuss the exhibition with you
further! We'll naturally have more information on the 2010 event as it
draws closer, and details are firmed up.