Regulars to Brain Damage over the years will know that our friend Joe Ringus is a hugely talented pumpkin artist, and each year crafts a Pink Floyd themed pumpkin for Hallowe'en (which is celebrated by many, principally this evening, but in a number of places it covers a number of days).
Joe has been hard at work yet again, and has done a phenomenal job once again! As before, we're delighted to share his incredible carving with you. Joe said: "This year's installment takes me to a fabulous album that I never thought I'd carve. I start to wonder each year if this will be the year when I run into a wall (no pun intended) and can't think of something to carve. But I think I've got a few years to go…!"
We certainly hope so - we think that Joe's done another excellent job, we love receiving them, and we're delighted to bring you his very latest design. Click the thumbnails to the left to see Joe's hard, and careful, work in more detail.