Capacity: 12,000
Concert starts: 8pm
Address of venue: Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Wien, Austria. MAP
Website: www.imagevienna.com
Moving on from Poland, David's 2016 tour of Europe arrives in the historic city of Vienna, and a spectacular palace. Schloss Schönbrunn is a former imperial summer residence. The 1,441-room Baroque palace is one of the most important architectural, cultural and historical monuments in the country. Since the mid-1950s it has been a major tourist attraction, and the history of the palace and its vast gardens spans over 300 years. Should be a good place to see David live!
Tickets for this concert went on sale on Friday, February 5th, at 10am CET. Tickets are restricted to 4 per person. You can order tickets through Ticketnet.at.
SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: 5am, Rattle That Lock, Faces Of Stone, Wish You Were Here, What Do You Want From Me, A Boat
Lies Waiting, The Blue, Money, Us And Them, In Any Tongue, High Hopes.
SECOND HALF: Astronomy Domine, Shine On
You Crazy Diamond, Fat Old Sun, Coming Back To Life, On An Island, The Girl In The Yellow Dress,
Today, Sorrow, Run Like Hell ENCORE: Time / Breathe (reprise), Comfortably Numb. |
Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!
The second night of the final set of European concerts took place in this wonderful location, and saw
the setlist return to that seen previously - so Astronomy Domine was back in the place that One Of
These Days filled on Saturday night, and Dancing Right In Front Of Me took a back seat to Fat Old Sun.
Other than this, the set was as expected. It may be that they are planning some differences to the
Pompeii set, and are getting in practice, or maybe they fancy a more fluid set in some parts, just to
keep things fresh? As the dates unfold, we shall find out...
We'd love to know in more detail how the concert went. Did you go? Let us know what YOU thought!
This was our second concert with David. The first one was Pula 2015. Amazing atmosphere, I loved the sound. David's guitar playing was very convincing. I think the new band is as good as the previous one.
David was using standard equipment as last year: Hiwatt 50 heads, Alessandro heads; I recognized Sovtek Big
Muff, two Butler Tube Overdrives, Chandler Tube Overdrive, Effectrode Tube Compressor, Providence Chrono Delay, and Electric Mistress.
YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover David's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!