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Home arrow David Gilmour 2015 arrow September 5th - BRIGHTON CENTRE, BRIGHTON, ENGLAND
Brighton Centre
David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, September 5th 2015 ticket

Capacity: 4,500

Concert starts: 7:30pm

Address of venue: Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2GR. MAP




With the 'proper' start to David's 2015 tour of Europe taking place in the historic Arena Pula in Croatia one week later, he kicks off the tour with a 'preview' show being held in this much more contemporary venue. Built in 1977, it is typical of multi-use venues in that it is designed to cater for basketball games, concerts, ice skating events, toy and model fairs, and much more. It is therefore relatively square in layout but with its 4,500 capacity, no seat tends to be too far from the wide stage area, and sight lines are generally very good. It is also a handy concert for a couple of the band, who live locally...

The concert also comes around two weeks before the album, Rattle That Lock, is released, giving fans an early taste of the music to come on September 18th.

Tickets were available on a limited presale before going on general sale at 10am UK time Monday, July 27th through this direct link. As with the London Royal Albert Hall shows, there are some ticketing considerations. Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult, and tickets are limited to four per person, per household. The ticketholder's name will be printed on the ticket, and photo ID checks will be in place on arrival to confirm customer identity, in order to limit re-sale of tickets on the secondary market. To gain entrance to the venue, the ticketholder HAS to be present.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: 5am, Rattle That Lock, Faces Of Stone, Wish You Were Here, A Boat Lies Waiting, The Blue, Money, Us And Them, In Any Tongue, High Hopes.
Astronomy Domine, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Fat Old Sun, On An Island, The Girl In The Yellow Dress, Today, Sorrow, Run Like Hell ENCORE: Time / Breathe (reprise), Comfortably Numb.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

Saturday night in the south coast city of Brighton featured a show that will long remain in the memories of those fortunate enough to be in attendance. David Gilmour kicked off his 2015 tour to support the release of Rattle That Lock, the new album due in a couple of weeks time, with a Preview Show at the Brighton Centre.

The event gave fans a first look at the fairly extensive range of merchandise available, and we presume that most, if not all, of what will be on offer was for sale at expected pricing for concert goods. For those who want to see what was available, click these thumbnails:

David Gilmour 2015 tour merchandise David Gilmour 2015 tour merchandise David Gilmour 2015 tour merchandise

The venue isn't normally noted as one of the better places acoustically (and I talk with experience of many shows there over the years) but David and his technical wizards absolutely nailed it this evening with flawless sound, and a lightshow which seemed perfect. It has been some 43 years since David last performed in front of an audience in Brighton, and with the reaction from the fans to material old and new, hopefully it won't be too long before we see him back in what could be considered his hometown now.

Without further ado, here's our review. Did you go? Let us know what YOU thought!


Well, what a show to kick things off with - not content with the arrangement of a Preview Show at a relatively small venue in his (now) hometown, David and his band proceeded to almost blow the roof off a venue which is destined for closure at some point fairly soon. One expects preview shows to be glorified dress rehearsals, with a band almost up-to-speed, with rough corners and last minute changes. David's Brighton show gave none of that, instead, offering the 4,500 very lucky fans there one of the finest performances we've seen from him and the band for many years.

The band - old and new members alike - seemed finely rehearsed but not to the level of boredom or complacency, and gave such a vivid sense that they were all having such an enjoyable time. If the rest of the tour, which starts with the first 'proper' show in a week's time in Pula, Croatia, is anything like the Brighton show, fans across the world are in for such a treat.

The joy of a first night is that nothing is really known about what will unfold. Sense and detective work fills in some blanks of course. A tour supporting David's new album will see most if not all of that album performed, and glimpses of the stage in some of Polly Samson's shots from rehearsals hinted at certain possibilities (seeing lap steels or large bells, for example) but other than that, one could only guess beforehand.

Entering the venue, one was struck by the size of the staging. A wide stage was set up in the relative gloom of the pre-show seat filling period, and a deep one too, although seating for the front rows was extremely close to the front line of the performers - a nice touch for those fortunate enough to be there. Lighting was provided principally by side lights, follow spots, and an array of 24 (3x8) Vari-lites directly above the stage. Oh, and a large Mr Screen which must have been a good 20-25 foot tall, ringed of course with more Vari-lites. In a modern update to Mr Screen, this now seemed to feature a circular LED screen rather than the older projection technology to throw the images onto it. This will presumably make things much easier for some of the venues which could have proven a headache to get a suitable projector into position. As we were to see, these were all combined to dazzling effect thanks to the expert work of Production/Lighting Designer Marc Brickman who was in attendance.

So to the expectations were that the first half would be the new album, and proceedings kicked off with some ambient sounds as an intro to 5AM, the first track of Rattle That Lock. The band were washed in blue, with David picked out in red, simple but effective. The opening sounds of the title track, up next, woke Mr Screen from his slumbers as he came to life, providing a suitable home for the animation created for the song, as the band were lit by the 24 downlights. Faces of Stone followed (as on the album) with a simply lit band ensuring attention on the song. And then, a break from the album, with David explaining that "due to various fuck-ups" the album wasn't ready in time for the initial shows. First surprise of the night - Wish You Were Here, so early in the set! Beautifully lit, with the downlights providing almost a rain effect, it was matched by the performance which was wonderful.

The set then returned to A Boat Lies Waiting - the fourth track on the album and a tribute to Richard Wright. This sounded lovely and there was some clear emotion displayed, especially when Richard's words were heard during the song. Suitably, this was followed by The Blue from David's previous album, On An Island, working perfectly in tandem with A Boat...

With a nod back through the 43 years since David had last played in Brighton, we then had a staggeringly fresh Money and Us And Them, both with original screen films and the former, in particular, sounded particularly strong and tight, but neither seemed to get as strong post-song reaction as what was to follow. In Any Tongue, another new song, featured some new animation which grabbed the attention, almost as much as the song, which is destined to be an in-concert favourite. The cheering and applause - and the crowd on its feet - at the end of the song was testament to its strength and quality.

High Hopes concluded the first half well, and left the crowd happy but eager to see what was still to come, in this show which at times felt more like a Floyd show than a Gilmour solo concert.

David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015


A dazzling start to the second half came with an unexpected Astronomy Domine, complete with suitably impactive lighting and oil slide bubbles on the screen. Shine On was to follow, using the 1994 screen film following the growth of a Syd-like figure from a boy to a man, ending up with him sweeping flowers from an empty swimming pool.

Next up, that concert staple of band introductions. Now, as there were a few new faces this was no bad thing. Phil Manzanera, Guy Pratt, Steve DiStanislao all got expected mentions; Jon Carin, as David pointed out, was unusually in this band playing guitars too - it was the first time that David was using him for his string work although many of us know him well for his guitar work (as well as keyboards) for Roger. The four new faces got deserved praise from the crowd for their excellent performances; local boy Bryan Chambers alongside Louise Marshall both delivered great backing vocals, Theo Travis excelled on sax and clarinet filling in the gap left by Dick Parry who, David explained, didn't feel up to the rigours of a tour, and Kevin McAlea very ably filled what David called "very large shoes" on keyboards throughout, with a touch and finesse easily good enough to carry that role comfortably freeing up Jon to provide more acoustic, electric and slide guitar work.

David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015

Back in time for an earlier Floyd track, and Fat Old Sun, which did see some outings on the previous tour. A fine performance, and followed by the title track of On An Island - both good selections leading to the next of the new tracks. The Girl In The Yellow Dress was - as David acknowledged - a bit of a departure, being a very jazzy number, accompanied by more new animation. Slightly more familiar to many was the new single, revealed at the end of last week; Today seemed to really come alive in the live setting for a number of people, based on post-show comments, and was to be the last of the new tracks (leaving three tracks from Rattle That Lock unplayed).

Rattling the very fabric within our very beings were the deep, deep and very loud bass notes heralding Sorrow - which came as a pleasant surprise addition to the set. Now 28 years old, the track was a welcome resurrection to proceedings and almost got people ready for what was to follow.

The various performances of Run Like Hell over the years have always tended to have a visual (as well as musical impact) but never has it been as eye-popping or intense as this. Starting with Mr Screen's lights providing faux laser effects to coincide with the initial guitar work, the song proper had the band all wearing sunglasses. This was not in preparation for a Blues Brothers segment, but instead, to protect them from the incredible, almost potentially seizure-inducing stroboscopic multi-coloured lighting in this song. One man just by us had to cover his eyes but the rest of us loved it! As a side note, Guy managed to slip in a change to the vocal noting that they'll "send you back to Brighton in a cardboard box"!

Phew...the show was now getting to the conclusion of its two and a half hour running time, with the encores. First up, a slightly unexpected (in this segment) couplet of Time followed by the Breathe Reprise, both played superbly. What would conclude the show? Only one song could really be in contention.

David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015

If any aspect of the show had left parts of the roof unraised, Comfortably Numb blew those away, with the crowd on their feet throughout the song. A fitting end to one of the best shows I've seen. Feeling more like a Floyd show than a solo event, it gave the audience much more than any were expecting to see or hear, but with the principal focus being on the music - as it should be. Visually the show was stunning but unlike some performers it never overwhelmed the music. The perfect balance, as we expect from David and his team.

For those many thousands who are seeing the tour proper as it travels around the world, you are in for such a treat. My expectations are that the final set list will be quite different in terms of material and order. My feelings are that David will more likely perform the new album in the first half, and do a mix of Floyd and older solo material, in the second. With the aforementioned "fuck-ups" delaying the release of the album, I think he moved things around bringing in the other material from WYWH onwards early into the set so as not to "lose" the audience with too much unfamiliar material in one chunk. Having said that, the new album sounds very strong indeed, with at least one song (In Any Tongue) already feeling like it will be a modern day concert highlight from the incredible reaction it got.

As ever, we really want to know what you thought of the show too...

We were lucky enough to get front row seats for this show and it completely blew us away (along with the roof!). We agree with everything you said, it was absolutely brilliant, one of the best if not the best shows we have ever been to. The setlist was the work of a genius and the running order was fantastic.

The enthusiasm and vibrancy of David and the band soon rolled off into the audience and the blend of new, old and even older worked incredibly well. I never thought I would hear 'Sorrow' and 'Run Like Hell' performed live and these together with 'Money' and 'Us and Them' were wonderful surprises especially as the latter is my favourite song from Dark Side. The rendition of 'Fat Old Sun' was a show stopper, quite superb.

My husband had already mentioned on the way home the 'Blues Brothers' shades very wisely to protect eyes but did not slow Guy down at all and he was still running, jumping and bouncing just like the PULSE tour!

A wonderful performance. THEN just when you thought that there was no more left along came 'Comfortably Numb' with Jon Carin accentuating and clipping words just like the Roger Waters original vocals. This combined with David's vocals and excellent guitar playing it had to be one of the best versions (close to Gdansk version with Richard and the orchestra) we have ever heard. Thank you so much to David, the Band, Polly and all who worked so hard backstage to bring us a fantastic show. We still have RAH to look forward to (and the DVD!!!!!!!). What a great year it has been and still more to come! Incredible.


David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015
David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, 5th September 2015


If you don't have tickets for the DG tour get them now ... the preview in Brighton was SPECTACULAR ...

What a night!

Just wanted to say how good the Brighton concert was. Mr Gilmour is playing better than ever I think. Without divulging too much detail, my partner and I actually encountered him at around 10.20am the following morning. We shook hands and I told him what a great night it had been. He thanked us for coming and again when I told him we were going on the 25th. He has such a cultured voice and was charming. What an absolute thrill!

The 25th can't come quickly enough!


David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, September 2015 David Gilmour - Brighton Centre, September 2015

It was well worth the journey from Glasgow and I can't wait to head back down south for the first night at the Albert Hall now.

Matt's review just about perfectly reflects my own thoughts. I kept telling people about 'In Any Tongue', I was actually surprised at just how strong a reaction the new material got, but it was completely deserving, the solo at the end of that track was very powerful.

What a night, that will live with me till the day I die.

Billed as a "Preview Show", expectation was that the band would be somewhat undercooked. Certainly it was a nervy start, with a clarinet squeak and then fluffed guitar parts (Wish You Were Here), but once that live staple was out of the way surprisingly early in the set, the band settled into delivering a high quality mix of old and new, keeping both the casual Floyd fan and the more dedicated David devotee, happy.

All periods of Pink Floyd were represented - the Syd Barrett days, the classic line up, the post-Waters era - with accompanying visuals to match.

The new tracks, whilst not always that inspiring, did leave space for plenty of noodling by Mr Gilmour. The most interesting pieces were Today, with a funky bass riff evoking memories of Aerosmith's Last Child; and The Girl In The Yellow Dress, which felt like a well-intentioned nod to Tom Waits. On both tracks, Gilmour's voice wasn’t really suited to either genre. With seven of the nine-piece band with proven vocal chops, perhaps others could have taken the lead on both songs.

Highlight of the night: Astronomy Domine – a loud and colourful start to the second half.

Gripe of the night: the farcical ticket security measures.

I was at Brighton. I also saw the last tour - in RAH and Vienne's Roman amphitheatre (oh, how magical that was).

The Brighton show was wonderful. I'd expected the first half to be the (unknown) new album, with the second half Pink Floyd highlights. However, things didn't turn out like that.

First; we had great seats. On the right; but so was David. The vast screen was there; but we were so close to the band, they were my focus (we are in the RAH in two weeks, I suspect there the screen will be more important!)

The show started with (apparently) 5 am...the first few notes bringing up the hairs; completely different from Shine On; but the same effect. Rattle That Lock, which I knew and loved. Then Faces of Stone, from first hearing truly fantastic. Then - WTF - Wish You Were Here? So early?

It set the pattern; whether it will be repeated for the main shows I don't know; but it marked a confidence; this new material stands alongside these classics. And the confidence wasn't misplaced.

In Any Tongue, for me, seemed a little 'worthy' - but the animation was great; and then it was topped by a blistering solo. It seemed in general that guitar solos were to the fore, both with new material, and extended on familiar songs.

I guess not knowing the set list led me to hope for an 'Echoes' equivalent in the second half...but there wasn't one. Probably the highlight for me was Sorrow. Perhaps because he hadn't played it in the last tour.

On reflection, it was a fantastic set list. Personally, I'd have liked Young Lust or Another Brick in The Wall 2...but I don't know what I would have cut for them.

A highlight from our position was to be able to see David when he turned to the band; he was beaming. He was happy to be back.

It is common knowledge that David has declared Pink Floyd to be well and truly over. It's of no surprise really though as even around the time of The Endless River you could read between the lines in interviews that he had let go of the Floyd a long time ago. David has, more than once, referred to Pink Floyd as a huge weight, a mill stone or that he felt shackled by the expectation of it all. So it's probably apt that his new album is called Rattle That Lock, with it's lyric including the line Rattle that lock, lose those chains.

He may now finally feel he's lost those chains but for all of his distancing of himself from his Floyd past I was most pleasantly surprised, as I took my seat at The Brighton Centre, to see a huge circular screen behind the stage. Apart from Roger's inflatable pig, that screen has to be one of the most iconic of all the Pink Floyd stage props. Since the mid 70s onwards it has been present at all of the Floyd's live shows. The rest of the staging includes a minimal array of Vari-Lites overhead with low level lighting trusses either side of the stage.

With this apparent confliction I sat wondering what kind of show to expect. I felt the On An Island shows were so beautifully presented, so tastefully executed in such a sublime and restrained manner, they would be hard to beat. And which songs would David choose to play? Again, the last shows he put on featured many surprises including Fat Old Sun and the magnificent Echoes as a grand centre piece to set two.

The first set begins with the very lovely instrumental, 5.A.M. which is the first track off the new album and very quickly runs into that albums title track, Rattle That Lock followed by Faces Of Stone, also from the new album. So far, so good but as you might expect with the first show (or final rehearsal depending on your point of view) the band appear to be a little nervous which manifests itself in some of the playing but to no detriment. Wish You Were Here, A Boat Lies Waiting and The Blue are a lovely and fitting tribute to the late and very much missed Rick Wright. A Boat Lies waiting (another new track) receives particularly enthusiastic applause from the audience. Money is, to me, an unusual choice in some respects as it's a song I mostly associate with Roger Waters, However, it is played brilliantly, David's soloing in particular is inspired and relished as he belts it out! Finally, the band seem to be over their collective nerves and really throw themselves into the music.

Another highlight of the first set is another new track, In Any Other Tongue, an anti-war song accompanied by a striking video which is sure to be a firm fan favourite as the tour progresses with it's soaring middle section reminding me of the power and majesty of Comfortably Numb. High Hopes is the not unexpected close to the first set and receives rapturous applause.

The set list for this show are plastered all over the internet so I won't repeat them here, but I will say there weren't as many surprises for me this time out. I think it would be fair to say that most fans would have expected the new album to be played in its entirety to make up the bulk of the first set but it wasn't. It might do though after the new album is released, perhaps David feels it would be unfair to play live too many new songs in one long piece?

The second set begins with a storming Astronomy Domine which is followed by one the highlights of the evening, a stunning rendering of Shine On You Crazy Diamond parts I to V and I'm so pleased to hear it played in its original arrangement too. The second set is already sounding far more confident than the first as we launch into Fat Old Sun. This is yet another fan favourite but I'm surprised it's in this set list as there are other songs that could have filled the boots of the 'surprise number that no one thought he'd play'.

We hear some more new tracks along with a few more oldies and then a proper complete surprise; Sorrow followed by Run Like Hell! Sorrow is atmospheric and monumental in its scale with searing guitar work from Gilmour. Run Like Hell is accompanied by strobe lights and the band wearing Ray Bans, totally bizarre and a brilliant way to end set two, again to rapturous and energetic applause as the audience are jubilant in their praise.

Another small surprise as we hear the beginning of the encore; Time/Breathe Reprise is unexpected and received with enthusiasm whereas Comfortably Numb is exactly what the fans expected and we also know at the end of what is a stunning version of this irrepressible song that the gig is now over.

The light show designed and operated by Mr Brickman is sublime, perfectly balanced and very tastefully done. The videos shown on the rear screen are well executed and add to the overall effect of the show without being too distracting, mixing some old favourites from the Floyd days with newly commissioned films for some of the new tracks.

Wow, what a show it has been. I am slightly conflicted in my feelings though; a bit disappointed that too many stalwarts were played and not enough of the lesser known songs. But over the moon that my guitar hero for the past 39 years is on tour again with a new album and is still playing wonderfully well. And, perhaps, without the weight of the stone, with so much more soul and expression. A remarkable triumph in many respects and one which will, I'm sure, get better and better.

YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover David's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 13 October 2015 )
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