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Palais Omnisports de Paris Bercy
Roger Waters concert ticket 30 May 2011

Capacity: 17,000
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: 8 boulevard de Bercy, 75012 Paris. MAP




The Palais Omnisports is one of Paris's better venues, and perfect for Roger's Wall show. With real grass covering the angled sides of the building, it is one of the more unusual places to perform. Tickets for this event sold incredibly quickly and so Roger and company will be staying in France's capital for a further show tomorrow...

General sale tickets went on sale September 17th, at 10am, through The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour. Our thanks to Jean-Christophe Maille for the ticket scan shown to the right.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In the Flesh, The Thin Ice, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Mother, Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, What Shall We Do Now, Young Lust, One of My Turns, Don't Leave Me Now, Another Brick in the Wall Part 3, The Last Few Bricks, Goodbye Cruel World
Hey You, Is There Anybody Out There?, Nobody Home, Vera, Bring the Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb, The Show Must Go On, In The Flesh, Run Like Hell, Waiting for the Worms, Stop, The Trial, Outside the Wall.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played, and what happened as the night unfolded!

Night forty of the tour, and almost two-thirds the way through the European schedule. Tonight's show was performed at one of the best French venues for a show this size, and was the first of four shows here. Another good concert, although coming as a bit of a surprise was the Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011translation of the "special phrase" seen on the wall during "Mother, should I trust the government?". The French version given was "jamais de la vie" which translates as "never in my life" - slightly different to, and a lot more polite than, the normal "no fucking way"! You can see it courtesy of our friend Simon Wimpenny, who took a picture of it (shown here).

If you went to this show in Paris, please let us know what you thought of the event, and if anything interesting or different happened if you've been to previous shows and can compare.


First point, Bercy is a great venue... The bars and cafes outside rammed with people before the show just about coping with the phenominally rude Parisian waiters, the venue itself a subterranian grassy knoll... I saw Gilmour's Floyd here many moons ago and it's a great place to see a 'big' gig.

I have sat here for the last 6 months or so watching the youtube videos of the Wall gigs from all across the USA and Europe but nothing prepares you for the real thing. The sound on Monday was great - loud enough throughout and the animations superb... the entire thing much much better than when I saw it at Earls Court 30 years ago...

A couple of things I did find 'odd' though... during the Trial RW sang the part of the wife with a French accent - does he change it to where ever he is? The plane at the beginning didn't fly the length of the arena - it just sort of dropped out of the roof and was gone in 5 seconds (Floyd's plane flew from the back to the front if memory serves me) and the whole Trial sequence sounded like it was from a tape... I don't care either way if it was cos it was superb...

It was so good I'm going to go to Bercy again in a month...

CONCERT REVIEW by BD CONTRIBUTOR, Angelo Misterioso, and PICTURES by Guino Patrice, both of RockerParis

This tour is VERY popular and second shows or third shows (even fourth) have been added in many cities across Europe including France, for once, with 4 shows in all. One today and one tomorrow and two other shows on June 30 and July 1st. All shows are sold-out.

Hard to day something as there are so many things going on all along this 2 hour+ show, split in two. On "Another Brick Part 2" we have a dozen kids on stage. The wall is being built slowly for the first part and finished for the end of it. Lots of projections all the time with some inflatables like the school teacher, and the mother, and the Pig at some time during the gig.

Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011
Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011
Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011 Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011

The sound is terrific and in quadrophonic, great lighting even though I would have prefer to have it more bright. The band is way behind the stage so you can't really see them clearly specially as the wall is being built.

After a 30 min intermission, the show in itself is fantastic as the wall is complete, projections are looking terrific. For the first couple of songs you can't see the band then they are playing in front of the wall.

Don't need to tell about the songs or the setlist as it's the album or the movie soundtrack as they added a few songs and bits now & then for it.


The only reproach would be Roger's vocals: they are perfect and that's the problem, I guess that he's miming over a backing track for most of the gig. Nevertheless it's a must see !


Here are some pictures of both nights which were a dream coming true for me. The Wall being built in front of us, an incredible Roger who's just in a wonderful shape. The projections looked so connected with the music played with a great feeling...and sound!!

Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011 Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011 Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011
Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011 Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011 Roger Waters - Paris, 30th May 2011


Started this trip on a bit of an awkward note – the boarding pass that we'd printed out got us through the first hurdle at airport security, but after taking off every bit of metal attached to our collective bodies and standing in line for ten minutes with one hand holding all our possessions in a tray whilst the other was being used to hold up trousers while hanging on to bags, the boarding pass wouldn't scan at the security gate. Shit. Back on with all our bits and bobs, we both had to run back down to the check-in desk, get some new passes printed, pelt back up the stairs, disrobe again, through the metal detector, bits and bobs back on, all the time watching the clock as the last call had gone out for the flight, running full tilt through the departure lounge to get to the gate, whizzing 'round the corner, out of breath and dripping with sweat, we spied our silver bird chariot for the trip to Paris – a turbo prop! Oh dear, flying's ok but we both prefer a bigger plane with jet engines, not propellers. Still it wasn't all that bad, although we did leave clench marks in our seats from buttocks and fists, whilst the Wallace type grins didn't leave our faces until well clear of CDG Airport!

We'd rented an apartment on the edge of the Latin Quarter, and found a lovely pavement café just around the corner that did the most marvellous pizzas. After a little bit of verbal jousting with the amiable waiter, where it was established that we didn't speak French and he didn't speak Welsh, (touché!), we tucked into our humble fare and watched the world go by. The waiter's English wasn’t as good as we thought, after paying the bill, I asked my new found friend the quickest way to Bercy – "We go to Bercy tomorrow, is it far? We go to concert", our friend said no, he was working tomorrow but was free the night after! Oops. Thank you and goodnight.

Found our way to the gig, a lovely stroll along the banks of the Seine and into the financial district, to end up at what looked like a bunker in the middle of a park. Ticket pick up was the usual hassle free process, with guys in suits and ties ushering us to the pick up desk, and then in to the concert.

First things first, beer. Or to be precise, 8€ petite buckets of beer, and a quick visit to the smoking area. Everywhere we've been in Europe has the same no smoking rules, but all, with the exception of the UK, have an area set aside for smokers. Civilized or what? Even if the area at the Bercy was fenced off and patrolled by a dog tied to a fence that barked if anyone so much as looked at it, it was still a provision of a smoking area.

Met a couple from Blighty who had been to one of the London shows, (but not THE show), we all commented on Nick's quote that they had all "thought about doing something in Paris" and also had a chat with a Norwegian bloke who proceeded to tell us that he didn't think the Wall was relevant; still, it was his first show. I hope he got it.

For us it was, without a doubt, the best gig so far. Brilliant atmosphere, lots and lots of people crammed into a small place in a small city but with such a large heart, and I think the band all felt it too. The sound was superb; Mr. Kilminster's c'numb solos were the best of all the shows seen.

Couple in front of us had bought their teenage sons, who looked a bit bored for most of the time, although they sat bolt upright for 'Young Lust', clearly revelling in the projections of naked ladies on the wall.

Unfortunately for the pig, as it cruised out from behind the wall in the second half, it flew right above us, and in a joint Anglo/French manoeuvre the guy in front of me made a grab for one leg whilst I made a grab for the other, all the while a steward was shouting "let go of the pig!" Priceless. The whole show seemed to benefit from the crowd standing on the arena floor rather than being seated.

Wall cafe in ParisThe following afternoon we did a spot of sightseeing and came across a pub called 'The Wall' [click thumbnail] - not open at the time but we made a detour that evening to go and have a drink there, only to find it full of pissed students singing along to 'Agadoo' on the karaoke machine, completely shattering our preconceived notion of sitting down and enjoying a quiet time listening to select Floyd tracks around the corner from the Sorbonne. Oh well. Not to worry. Went back to the apartment with some fine French cuisine courtesy of the golden arches (McDonald's) and watched the videos of the previous night's show.

It's been very enjoyable trekking 'round Europe, we've seen loads of interesting places, met loads of interesting and not so interesting people, had a lot of laughs, drunk a lot of wine and beer, had a few rows and a few tears and heard and seen some incredible musical performances. Thanks Roger. It was all worth it.


Hopefully coming soon - we welcome all contributions!

YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover Roger's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Sunday, 17 July 2011 )
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