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Home arrow 2011 WALL TOUR arrow June 15th - O2WORLD, BERLIN, GERMANY
June 15th - O2WORLD, BERLIN, GERMANY Print E-mail
O2 World Berlin
Roger Waters The Wall Live - Berlin 2011 ticket

Capacity: 17,000
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: Mildred-Harnack-Straße, 10243 Berlin, Germany. MAP




Originally the second to last show on the European leg of Roger's Wall tour, an additional night (June 16th) has been added for the show at a new venue for Roger to experience. The final show sees the production move to Dusseldorf's Esprit Arena. Our thanks to Guntmar Plötzke for the ticket scan shown to the right.

The presales began the week starting Monday, May 31st, with advance tickets available to those who had registered their interest in particular cities. General sale tickets went on sale on June 4th through normal ticketing agents including and It is understood that all tickets have now been sold for this show, but it is worth checking with the official agents if you still need a ticket, as quite often "production tickets" are released close to the concert itself. The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In the Flesh, The Thin Ice, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Mother, Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, What Shall We Do Now, Young Lust, One of My Turns, Don't Leave Me Now, Another Brick in the Wall Part 3, The Last Few Bricks, Goodbye Cruel World
Hey You, Is There Anybody Out There?, Nobody Home, Vera, Bring the Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb, The Show Must Go On, In The Flesh, Run Like Hell, Waiting for the Worms, Stop, The Trial, Outside the Wall.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played, and what happened as the night unfolded!

Night forty-nine of the tour, and the first of two nights in the German city of Berlin, where of course Roger last performed The Wall back in 1990 at Potsdamer Platz, an area which has since undergone a dramatic redevelopment programme. We heard from our friend Simon Wimpenny, who was at the show, that it was a great concert, and we're looking forward to receiving reviews from those of you who attended it. If you went to this show in Berlin, please let us know what you thought of the event, and if anything interesting or different happened if you've been to previous shows and can compare.


Roger Waters - Berlin, 15th June 2011


The show started around 8:15 and I instantly knew the sound was gonna be great tonight, the opening notes were crystal clear and it stayed that way all night. The crowd were a little more lively a times than some of the other German shows too but still not lively. I had my camera with me tonight but decided I just wanted to enjoy the show so didn't take any pictures at all tonight. I did take a couple of videos though and these are on an earlier post on my blog.

I was sat with Roger's step daughter Amy, Harry's wife and a couple of their friends tonight. I've sat with the girls before and they really do get into the show, unlike most of the VIP guests that are just there because it's free and a night out!

There were a couple of mistakes in the first set but nothing huge, apart from that it was a great first set.

During the 2nd In The Flesh when Roger picked up the machine gun a guy stood up in the 5th or 6th row just to Roger's right; Roger picked him right out, “loaded” his machine gun and shot straight at him, the guy got into it and proceeded to move backwards and forwards as though he had been shot.

To be honest I can't remember much else about the show, it went along without "incident". What I do remember though is how quiet the crowd were when Roger was talking to them before Mother about doing the Berlin Wall show. They were totally silent with the odd cheer and shout which really surprised me.

Make sure you check out Simon's blog at where you'll find full details of all his travels, along with more pictures and videos.


So my son Marius and I went to Berlin to see The Wall Show on wednesday. For Marius it will be the second show for he was also at Hamburg on Saturday.

Weather was as nice as possible as we entered Berlin to join Simon and Kevin at the meeting point at Kreutzberg. The O2-Arena is visible from the bar and we just have to cross over a bridge and walk along that real wall with a lot of Graffiti on it. Some of them are really remarkable and should be seen by all of you (well, Simon has put one on his blog which I'm sure all of you will like).

The arena is really nice and after fetching our real tickets we get into it and say hello to Roger's Wall. At that time we couldn't know that we are going to see the nearly perfect show with only just one mistake.

Show starts a few minutes after eight with advice to switch off flashlights and no laserpointers and then straight into the well known Spartacus sequence.

From now on time flies by too quick.... Everything works fine, the pyros, the lights, the artists and the actor who is called Roger Waters, who seems to play the roles of his life during every show in 2010 and 2011. Not to forget the sound, which is really remarkable.

We couldn't believe that it could be better than during the Hamburg shows, but it really is! Today the sound collages move. Left! Right! Back! And around me! Not to forget there is a lot more punch and bass in it today.

Then something new at the end of ABITW 2. All of us who know that Roger added this to his song in Herning listen very very carefully in order to take all in. Very slowly, very sad...and then it's over.....or not? No-one really knows, because it is so new! During this song there's so much to see. The Helicopter's getting louder and louder, the teacher so big with eyes first white, then red and of course these kids!! They are really enjoying beeing here on stage and smiling all the time, some of them come on front and doing air guitars, breakdance style.....GREAT!

I think there is no need to mention anything else during this perfect show. I just love Nobody Home (really like to sing it for Roger with the whole audience!), Comfortably Numb (which is truly a standard now with Robbie and "the killer") and Outside The Wall, when Roger becomes a friend to everyone in this arena.....

Oh, yes... what was that one mistake?
Roger forgot to say "thankyou" to those wonderful kids! Poor Roger, I know he was happy with them and he must be upset not saying anything about them and gave them an extra applause....

(Looking forward to see my final show this year in Düsseldorf)


Roger Waters - Berlin, June 2011 Roger Waters - Berlin, June 2011 Roger Waters - Berlin, June 2011


BD reader Juergen Reichmann took a good number of excellent pictures, square onto the stage, and showing the full extent of the staging in many of the examples. To see all the pictures, click on the image below to visit his blog:

Another Brick In The Wall part 2 - 15th June 2011



Hopefully coming soon - we welcome all contributions!

YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover Roger's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Monday, 11 July 2011 )
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