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Home arrow 2011 WALL TOUR arrow June 11th - O2 WORLD HAMBURG, HAMBURG, GERMANY
Roger Waters ticket 11th June 2011

Capacity: 16,000
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: Sylvesterallee 10, 22525 Hamburg, Germany. MAP




Roger's tour of The Wall stays at the O2 World Hamburg for a second night. Previously known as the Color Line Arena, it was a place that Roger performed in back in 2007, and clearly he quite liked it. Off to Berlin next, where of course Roger last performed The Wall back in 1990 at Potzdamer Platz. Our thanks to Guntmar Ploetzke for the ticket scan shown to the right. UPDATE, August 2015: the venue is now called the Barclaycard Arena.

The presales didn't happening for this concert, as general sale tickets went on sale July 30th through normal ticketing agents including The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In the Flesh, The Thin Ice, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Mother, Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, What Shall We Do Now, Young Lust, One of My Turns, Don't Leave Me Now, Another Brick in the Wall Part 3, The Last Few Bricks, Goodbye Cruel World
Hey You, Is There Anybody Out There?, Nobody Home, Vera, Bring the Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb, The Show Must Go On, In The Flesh, Run Like Hell, Waiting for the Worms, Stop, The Trial, Outside the Wall.



Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played, and what happened as the night unfolded!

Night forty-seven of the tour, the second of the two nights in Hamburg, and still five more nights in various places in Germany. If you went to this show in Hamburg, please let us know what you thought of the event, and if anything interesting or different happened if you've been to previous shows and can compare.


.... the first version?

So I... thought I.... liked to..... go to the Show..... again after over 30 Years!

Well, of course I couldn't resist reading any review that I could get from former shows. In the old days there were just a few 'snippets' in the common music magazines with always the same pictures and rare reports from Los Angeles and New York. And do you remember how 'easy' it was to get one or two of these much sought-after tickets? Maybe they were too cheap.... I had to write a letter and was ordered to keep patience, just to get an "No, sorry sorry, your name wasn't picked from the lottery wheel". Luckily I could buy a ticket from second hand and was there in Dortmund and got my life changed by Pink Floyd and at least The Wall.

So here we are in Hamburg and I can hardly wait to get in and see again these white bricks and poor Pink who sat there leaning on the bricks and was kicked away by David Gilmour in a really shocking inhuman way to give place for more bricks to complete the wall back in 1981.

But this time it is different as many of you know. Pink has been taken in by two obviously dangerous looking uniformed men and is thrown on stage beside the coatrack with Roger's leathercoat and is left alone on this blue tanned stage between us and this uncompleted wall.

The Show has already begun as some of us only now realise. Now I have to look at all the visuals (is that really possible? There is so much to take in!) because I know Roger is putting in some changes from time to time and I won't want to miss them.

Roger is overacting most of his lyrics. But it works well because he really wants to show us what he feels and means.

Especially when he is standing alone before this huge wall and when he puts the coat and the sunglasses on for the second time during In the Flesh! I am really lucky to be amongst this sea of faces and not alone tonight! We really could get frightened about Roger becoming a fascist, but he comes back to us during The Trial and Outside the Wall.

But I have to say that I like the old Teacher and Mother puppets a lot better than these ones today.

I was expecting crystal clear surround sound. That's nothing new to any PF or RW show. And the sound effects are working well to me - the sound of this cracking and then falling huge and wide wall surrounds (I do remember well that I was looking up to the roof of the Westfalenhalle not sure if it will come down on us as well back in Dortmund). And so it is again. Only because now we know what is going to happen we all feel rather safe in this sea of faces.

The most moving moments are for sure when Roger comes out in front of us the first time in the so called opening finale and hearing and seeing these three guys performing CN. Just one thought about David G. and then I am back again and happy about this great performance of that "Evergreen".

Don't get me wrong, I do love the fallen loved ones on the bricks and how they fly into the distance during Spare Bricks before Goodbye Cruel World and all the other great arrangements. But seeing Roger in a full house, happy and smiling to us and everyone is knowing that this is his baby that we come to see, is only moving to me.... I hardly can wait to see the show in Berlin and Duesseldorf from two more positions.

Overall this is a masterpiece for eyes, ears and heart for sure and we all can be happy that we are able to witness this performed by mastermind Roger Waters himself. For me it is unique that an artist can deliver such feelings throughout rock and classic chords as well.

I really believe that generations in the future will claw through their thin ice to realise what he is constantly keeping to transport to us:

Fear builds walls, that no man should live in chains and the great and the small are equal after all. >

Isn't this better than.....


I headed in the venue around 7:15pm, I was 2nd row right in front of "The Big C", Harry and the backing singers tonight, Elzira and Berto were front row in front of me and Matt was 2nd row sat next to me to the left and Pete and his wife from Switzerland were to my right.

I love the buzz before the shows, everyone milling around, taking pictures chatting to each other. I spotted Nicoli and Adrianna waving to me from their seats on the right side of the stage, they were very happy with the tickets Kevin sorted out for them. Also had a chat to Nicoli and Adrianna who I’d seen earlier outside, they had the best seats in the house tonight, front row dead centre. This was their 10th show and we would meet up again maybe in Athens.

Show started around 8:10 tonight, I could tell from the start the crowd were going to be better than they were last night for some unknown reason! I've only been in this seat position for a couple of shows and this was early on in the tour in the USA. It's not my favourite seat to be honest, I much prefer Dave K's side however it was cool to watch the backing singers and see just how much they do do apart from sing! I watched as they did some great vocal harmonies during The Thin Ice, normally I'm watching Roger on bass and take little notice of what anyone else is doing but tonight was a little different (in a good way)

Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011 Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011 Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011

Backing singers during Another Brick:

The crowd cheered loudly for the first time as the Mercedes symbols tumbled down from the B52 bomber planes, and I also heard and saw Dave playing some nice little harmonics at the end of Goodbye Blue Sky, something which again I've either not noticed or haven't been there before!

Roger playing bass:

I also had a great view of Robbie too through the open bricks half way through the 1st half and watched him beating the tambourine with such passion and enjoyment during Young Lust, you can tell the guy is loving every bit of this show and putting everything he has into each performance, this is definitely evident when you see video clips of Robbie playing and singing on YouTube and then see video clips of The Big C on YouTube for example, the difference is like chalk and cheese!

There's a great part where there are what sounds like gunshot noise, the lights flash on behind the stage and all 4 backing singers jump back in unison as though they are being shot, this happens 4 or 5 times and its great to see, especially from where I was sitting.

The much talked about spitting incident at each show!

At intermission we all headed back to the O2 lounge for a drink, they had a DJ on playing “pop” music and people dancing on the floor! very odd.

I decided to go sit with Kevin, Ralph, George for the 2nd half, they were all 13th row centre on the floor and I like seeing and hearing it from dead centre, plus I wanted to see Ralph's face during the show as I said earlier I know how serious he is about the music, especially the drumming, being a drummer himself. I had a quick chat with him at intermission and honestly, it was me doing all the chatting as he really was lost for words, he was totally blown away by the show so far!

Hey You, ITAOT, Nobody Home, Vera, BTBBH all came and went without a hitch. Roger then walked onstage for the 2nd In The Flesh, this really is one of my favourite moments of the show. Kevin and I looked over at Ralph a few times to see how long it took him to notice things, the hotel room coming out of the wall and the Pig during Run Like Hell especially, he didn't even notice the pig till it was right over his head, he was so fascinated and stunned by watching the band onstage he never took his eyes off them! 

Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011 Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011 Roger Waters - Hamburg 11 June 2011

I meant to say in my review of last night's show, when the spotlight comes into the audience and Roger says "there's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me" the light came straight onto Kevin! Tonight I was hoping I'd be in with a chance but as we were a couple of rows behind where we were last night I missed it, or should I say it missed me. There's a great little image (see 3rd picture above) which has taken me a while to capture where the last Hummer comes around and stops in the middle of the screen, you can see there's a soldier on the top of it with a spotlight and the next minute the screen goes dark and the "fake" spotlight comes out of the stage and shines into the audience.

I was hoping Dave K had relented and got back to his old self after the banter we had been having on Facebook earlier in the day and him seeing just how good he looked at the opening of the track but alas he hadn't and his beret stayed on his head not being thrown off by hair flicks!

The wall took a while to come down tonight, first three rows, then the next few rows falling backwards and then 15 seconds or so before the rest of the bricks fell forward towards the audience, the latter ones having to be pushed pretty hard by the crew behind!

Another great show last night, looking forward to Herning, Denmark in 2 days time and seeing the extended wall again in the large football stadium which is the venue for my 86th Wall show!

Make sure you check out Simon's blog at where you'll find full details of all his travels, along with more pictures and videos.


Hopefully coming soon - we welcome all contributions!

YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover Roger's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 August 2015 )
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