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Home arrow 2010 WALL TOUR arrow October 1st - TD GARDEN, BOSTON, MA, USA
October 1st - TD GARDEN, BOSTON, MA, USA Print E-mail
Roger Waters 2010 tour ticket

Capacity: 19,600

Concert starts: 8pm 

Address of venue: 100 Legends Way, Boston, MA 02114. MAP




Roger's tour of The Wall stays for a second night in Boston, added due to incredibly fast ticket sales.

The presales began starting Wednesday, May 5th. Starting May 3rd, American Express Cardmembers could get advance tickets, with seating available to Gold Card, Platinum Card and Centurion members. US fans could also get early access to tickets via iTunes beginning Thursday, May 6th, by purchasing the 1982 film The Wall from iTunes by April 26th. For both the American Express and iTunes presales, please note that the presale offers were available in select markets and ticket quantities were limited.

General sale tickets went on sale on Monday, May 10, via and The public sale also saw a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour. Use of our links to Ticketmaster gives much needed assistance with site hosting costs without any additional cost to yourself - and we appreciate it!

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In the Flesh, The Thin Ice, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Mother, Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, What Shall We Do Now, Young Lust, One of My Turns, Don't Leave Me Now, Another Brick in the Wall Part 3, The Last Few Bricks, Goodbye Cruel World
Hey You, Is There Anybody Out There?, Nobody Home, Vera, Bring the Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb, The Show Must Go On, In The Flesh, Run Like Hell, Waiting for the Worms, Stop, The Trial, Outside the Wall.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played, and what happened as the night unfolded!

Night eleven of the tour, and the second of a trio of Boston concerts, performed at the TD Garden.

Initial reports are clear that the band are just getting better, and tighter, as each show occurs. If you went to this show, let us know what you thought of the event, and if anything interesting or different happened if you've been to previous shows and can compare!


This is my review of the second show in Boston, and also the second show in a row for me on this tour. That said I'm not going to cover the areas that I already talked about in the previous night's review.

Tonight was a very fun and interesting night for me. Last night after the 1st show I saw a guy outside the venue selling illegal T-shirts. Suddenly 3 guys who did not look like cops but who were likely part of Roger Waters/venue crew came over to this guy, got in his face, and started roughing him up, forcibly taking all of his T-shirts away. The guy had Tshirts stuffed up his own shirt, down his pants, they were everywhere. These 3 guys practically raped this Tshirt guy to get all his Tshirts away, and I was surprised that the scene didn't turn more violent. Fast forward to today and the same Tshirt guy comes up to me on the street before the show asking me if I wanted to buy Tshirts! So funny.

Next, literally 2 minutes later I'm walking down the street outside the venue and there's this guy walking next to me that I recognize. It took me about 10 seconds of staring at him to realize that this was the homeless man from the show. Of course he wasn't in homeless man mode, just in regular street clothes. Anyway I called him out on that and had a nice conversation with him, telling him that now that I know who he is he must let me take a picture with him when I see him later on that night. And he did, and I have a great photo of us together at the show.

Finally, I wanted to show a friend of mine what the Front of House mix area was all about so we walked over to the mix area and I started to explain to my friend what they do here. I struck up a conversation with the guy that runs the Qaudraphonic audio setup, and we actually even talked technical a bit with him asking me for a review of the previous night's Quad sound. I actually told him that it didn't sound like it was coming from behind enough (which is something I noticed the previous night). Turns out I was right and he admitted having problems with the Quad the night before. Tonight's show...the Quad sound was fixed. Glad to be of help! Haha! I did see FOH mixer Trip Khalaf working there too but he seemed to be working hard and since it was very close to showtime I didn't want to bother him.

To the show...

Memorable things about tonight's show were the fact that the flying pig crashed into the crowd stage right. It was clearly flying out of control. Concert goers were grabbing at it. Stage hands quickly grabbed the pig by it's feet and walked it through the crowd and finally to the far left side of the wall. The sound for tonight's show was a little better than the previous night which meant instead of it being just phenomenal it was now awesomely phenomenal! Roger was ON tonight in a big way. His performances in "One of My Turns" and "The Trial" were just great, and yes, better than the night before. I can't wait to see the YouTube vids of these particular performances. Finally, tonight the wall crumbled in a much cooler way than it had on the previous night. It crumbled in large sections or with lots of the wall falling all at once. It has a more dramatic effect this way, and looks far more dangerous too.

Show criticisms...

Now having seen 2 shows if I were to reflect a bit on what I thought could be improved I would say this. Having the band behind the wall for all of "Hey You" with nothing much being displayed on the wall just doesn't seem to work very well and is kind of boring. I understand why this is being done but it still doesn't work. I would also say that since for most of the show the band is far away from the crowd and set back behind the wall it might be useful to do some video projection of band members on the wall itself in certain parts of songs. I also think it would be cool for Roger to announce the band members at the very end of the show as they are doing their bows. The way I see it the band is so detached from the audience that they should be seen or recognized a little more.

Aside from all that...

What else is there to say other than if you're a rock and roll fan you must see this show. It is simply one of the best shows in the history of all rock and roll shows and it is a once in a lifetime experience.

and CONCERT PICTURES by his wife, Marie Lopez

If you had a chance to catch Pink Floyd on their last tour (Division Bell) chances are you've felt spoiled for life. No spectacle had compared since. Live 8's Floyd reunion was a definite high... though, admittedly, the stage was lacking the type of punch that usually accompanies any Floyd performance; but, really: who was there for lights and lasers? It was Roger Waters and David Gilmour playing together. That's what that night was all about.

So, armed with memories of those shows in the mid-90s, and the many replays of PULSE on one's DVD player, plus - for those of us lucky enough to have been at Live 8 - memories of the high that was the Pink Floyd and Roger Waters reunion, one goes to see Roger Waters' "The Wall" with exceptionally high expectations. Those expectations were met.

I still find it exceptionally difficult to say that "The Wall" live tops Pink Floyd's Division Bell tour. Each show excelled in different areas and they in no way cancel each other out in any respect. In fact, a comparison of the two tours only makes it evident where each Roger Waters and the post-Waters Pink Floyd complemented each other.

Remember those Superman cartoons where the hero confronted an evil version of himself? One that paralleled his strength but who had his own tricks and superpowers? This is analogous to what becomes evident when you catch "The Wall" live. Pink Floyd and Roger Waters solo have each been running an analogous juxtaposition. Take your pick on which one is the evil one - but you'd be wiser to skip doing that and deposit your hopes that recent reconciliation signs between Waters and Gilmour lead to convergence and collaborative work. "The Wall" live is a reminder of everything Waters adds to Pink Floyd.

Waters' show is more surreal and trippier. "Run Like Hell," for instance, is performed with a trippier vibe while Gilmour's Pink Floyd era performed the song in a heavier and more accelerated rock pace. Waters capitalizes on digital and film technologies that were probably missing even back in the mid-90s. The film footage and graphics throughout the show are nothing less than mind-blowing.

Boston, 1st October 2010 Boston, 1st October 2010 Boston, 1st October 2010
Boston, 1st October 2010 Boston, 1st October 2010 Boston, 1st October 2010

Waters' use of pyrotechnics is carefully limited and orchestrated - it in no way emulates the masterful delivery of fireworks and film footage during Floyd's last tour. Instead, it gives a different character and temperament to the show, it has a personality all its own...

There's something very 2010 about the show and it goes beyond the fact that much of the war and historical footage shown is so current and topical. It's something about the way it's presented. Roger Waters proves he has his own way of making Pink Floyd music spectacular.

One thing you can sense throughout the show: Roger Waters is a happier man than he may have been characterized as in the past. His demeanor is very gracious; and why shouldn't it be? While it is true that at one point Pink Floyd was selling out stadiums while he was only partially filling some neighboring arenas, he has arrived at a point in his career in which he can sell as many tickets as Pink Floyd could on its last tour. Waters is vindicated and much of this has to do with the recognition of his talent and capabilities as an artist. "The Wall" has given him an opportunity to highlight his strengths: the theatrical elements of his talent, the rougher edge he brings to the overall Pink Floyd enterprise and experience.

The show gets a 10 out of 10: you won't see a tour that matches this one in a long time and it will probably take another member of Pink Floyd (or Waters himself) to top what Boston has seen this weekend. It doesn't take away from the fact that Floyd's Division Bell tour was also a 10 out of 10. Just imagine what could have been made of a full reunion tour between Pink Floyd and Roger Waters while Richard Wright was still with us.

If you still have a chance to catch this show live and you don't have tickets you ought to go find some: and take someone who never had a chance to see Floyd live.

Highlights: "In The Flesh? / The Thin Ice," "Another Brick in the Wall (Part II)," "Young Lust," "Comfortably Numb," "The Trial."



It was an incredible experience being sat on the lower balcony, row 4, at the very end of the arena. We were right behind the soundboard / mixingdesk.

Visually I had looked very much forward to be seated just there. I got all my moneys worth. It was the best way to end the 3 weeks / 11 shows trip I've undertaken for this tour. When you sit further back in the arena you get more out of the show visually, as you more easily are able to focus on the backdrop wall imagery. Especially when the footage there is fast moving. It looked awesome!!!

Boston crowd is undoubtfully the best crowd so far. They were really into it, singing along, cheering, clapping, dancing and so forth. It was obvious that Roger appreciated that, by his little speeches and interactions with the crowd.

Boston, 1st October 2010 - Jens with Brent Boston, 1st October 2010 Boston, 1st October 2010

Perfect performance by all band members. Simply just flawless. All solos last night worked wonderfully.

It wasn't a night without mistakes. The inflated pig got out of control. Somehow they couldn't get it to fly upwards, which had the piggy flying down onto crowd, both on the side where it surfaces but especially onto the crowd in the middle front and left front sections on the floor. People were pulling and pushing piggy's feet and the security all ran towards it trying to not have the crowd lynch poor little piggy. Piggy was then directed back up and over the wall again straight away. It all looked amazing from where I was sat and I wouldn't have been without it.

This show is just amazing and I can't get enough of it. To witness Roger performing on his bass, singing the songs, getting into the role is just so incredibly satisfying to me I honestly do not have words to describe it.

Can't wait for the European tour to kick off. The band is definately getting tighter for every show, they are going to sound incredibly tight next year!!!!

Boston crowd: I love you!!!!

Jens signing out!!!!!

Our special thanks to Jens for his reports from each show, sent really quickly and putting himself out to do so!


Another great show last night, I was on the front row left hand side for the duration of the show. The sound was so loud you could feel the air pressure around your face changing with the bass! It's funny, when you're on the rail watching the show there's so much to watch that's going on that you just don't see any mistakes at all! I didn't spot one last night although I'm sure there must have been a couple of technical glitches somewhere.

Roger has taken to holding the mic out for the audience to sing the line “thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from” during Nobody Home. He did this a few nights ago for the first time and the audience tonight (and yesterday) sang it real well.

Re: the end of Another Brick that I talked about yesterday with the subway train, Jean Charles was shot in London by seven shots, I was sure Roger would have done seven shots on the sound and images that he was putting up however he hasn't, I counted about 10 last night, this is something I thought Roger would have picked up on!

Apparently Roger was a bit under the weather the night before, not something I noticed or I'm sure anyone else either but tonight he was feeling a lot better and he was very animated yet again onstage. Telling the audience to enjoy themselves, skipping up the steps at the side of the stage and smiling to the front of the crowd whenever he walked past them.

I'm still not sure I am into G E Smith and his okaying style and sound, he's just not Andy Fairweather Low and I just feel Andy is missed a lot more than I expected but that's just my opinion.

There were a few problems building the wall the night before, they were struggling to get some bricks in their slots, tonight went pretty much to plan apart from the last half a dozen bricks and they had to remove some to fit the others in. Some of the bricks are looking a bit rough around the edges now and I'm sure they must be going to replace some of them soon.

The pig was nearly sent to slaughter tonight! For whatever reason it kinda sank down onto the floor and went into the crowd, the audience were all over it! Security were quick to go save it and lead it back over the wall to safety!!

For whatever reason my favourite half is the second, I think it's because the band are onstage a lot more and are visible and you're not having to look one way or another to see them through the gaps in the bricks. The second set is certainly a lot more powerful. Especially as they do seem to turn the volume up a bit.

Rogers getting into the “Machine Gun” actions now much to the amusement of Snowy and the rest of the band, it's great to watch the band's faces when Roger does stuff. Watch Dave K's face at the beginning of Run Like Hell, you can tell he really enjoys playing that track!

There's a great part where Roger turns with his back to the audience and raises his arms while the amps and drum kit rise out of the stage floor before the musicians all come onstage.

As I said in an earlier post, I like the bit where Roger ducks down under the animation, I managed to catch this last night. Highlight of the night those was most definately the wall coming down. Some night's they send some of the rows of bricks back towards the rear of the stage and some towards the front of the stage. 90% of it came down towards the front tonight and not only that but it came down in two huge sections. The top three rows fell towards the crowd tonight and it was like watching it all happen in slow motion. The three rows just got nearer and nearer and NEARER, as the bricks fell what must have been no more than 3 inches away from the front row you could feel the wind that the rows falling created as it rushed over your face! Then the second section of what must have been 4 rows fell exactly the same but closer! Had Maria and I not stepped back at the last minute then I'd probably have a broken nose and facial injuries from the edges of the bricks hitting me straight in the face! It was fantastic! Maria and I looked at each other with mouths open wide and in sheer awe of what had just happened.

Dave threw a guitar pic out for Maria as the band left the stage and it bounced off us and landed under the bricks on the floor, Dave looked SO upset! As the security were clearing the bricks I had a word with him and he picked it up off the floor and handed it to Maria...

Make sure you check out Simon's blog at where you'll find full details of all his travels, along with more pictures and videos.


Where do I begin. I did say I was going into retirement from concert attending. However, Roger Waters touring The Wall made me re-consider my retirement statement I made on my review of Foxboro 1994 but have now OFFICIALLY RETIRED from concert going after seeing Roger Waters performing The Wall.

As always, I had difficulty of getting tickets online as all of the seats were SOLD OUT from Ticketmaster (part of me suspect the brokers bought alot of tickets). My father, who inisisted I see this tour as my love for all things Pink Floyd is immeasurable (and also Roger claiming The Wall Tour may be his swan song from touring), found tickets from a sub-seller at a decent price ($80 a ticket for a $60 ticket). I knew I was going to be in the nosebleeds but as Roger stated, the best view would be from the nosebleeds (I had a great bird's eye view on what went down).

Originally was going to bring my brother's best friend but he backed out due to circumstances beyond the control so in the end dragged my metal/hard rock loving best friend Dennis (who also saw Pink Floyd with me in Foxboro in 1994) to see Roger Waters perform at the TD Garden. Once the tickets arrived at my house in June, I had to book a flight to Massachusetts (my home state), rental car and money for food and souvenirs and so on.

In anticipation of seeing this spectacle to end all spectacle of rock concerts, I watched my old 1980/81 concerts and did see YouTube clips of the earlier shows and I said can Roger top what he did in 1980 and 81 and be a well tuned machine by the time he hits Boston. Then it comes to October 1. I meet with my buddy who I hadn't seen since 2009 and off we went to the show. Getting to the show was an experience as it was raining like crazy heading to the train station to go from Braintree to Boston to avoid traffic. Once at the Braintree T station, since the train system changed since last time we went to same venue for Genesis in 2007, we bought WRONG PASSES (one of the clerks in Braintree helped my buddy and I get on the train as scheduled). We get there a good 45 minutes before showtime and I bought TWO T-shirts and the program (as pictured).

The show, let's just say, was mindblowing (even to those of us in the audience not under mind altering chemicals (my friend and I have yet to try what's called drugs or alcohol or nicotine for that fact)). The view we had from the center of nosebleed heaven was SUPERB as I got to see all of the effects and everything perfectly. The beginning was the guy in the crowd and the Spartacus tape effect and once the house lights dimmed, months of anticipation would be rewarded. The pyro goes off and the band starts playing and Roger got a deserved standing ovation. Musically, Roger has put together a stellar band for this tour (I grew tired of the female backing singers to be honest and was actually bored by the 2007 Dark Side Tour, some will call me crazy but that's OK (I think being spoiled by the PULSE album and concert film and having seen The Division Bell Tour in 1994 caused me to not enjoy the 2007 Waters Tour but I loved the 2000 tour, until The Wall 2010 Tour ECLIPSED IT)). The visuals that were updated from the 1980/81 visuals and some of the stuff projected on the wall was hard to put in words (tributes to soldiers were superb, I'm glad my father came home from Korea during Vietnam era and got to have a father, and I thought of how lucky I am to have a parent survive war). The inflatables and performances were incredible. I do know some people did gripe on key changes of "One of My Turns", "Don't Leave Me Now" and "Run Like Hell" all performed a whole step lower than on either original album or 1980/81 Wall shows but I think they were excellent. Having the crowd finish the "13 channels of (expletive) on the TV to choose from" was PURE GOLD. Robbie Wyckoff did a great job singing David Gilmour's parts and Snowy White, Dave Kilminster all did great and G.E. adding a slide guitar to "Mother" was an excellent touch. Once the show was over with the last strain of "Outside the Wall", I said "IT WAS WORTH THE EXTRA CASH" and Roger sounded better than the night before actually IMHO!

Now going back home from show was tricky. My buddy went to one cop and told him we bought the wrong passes to get to and from show and response was BUY ANOTHER. Seeing my friend peeved, I went to another cop and pulled out my Autism card (as I do have Autism/Aspergers) and the second officer, who knew about Autism and other Autism Spectrum Disorders, was very friendly and helped my friend and I get back to Braintree by boarding the train back home. All in all it was a great show and a great night.

I'm now officially in retirement from concert attending after this stellar performance I attended from Roger. There's nowhere you can go to from this classic masterpiece. Go see this SHOW, NOW!

YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover Roger's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Thursday, 16 June 2011 )
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