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Home arrow Roger Waters 2008 arrow May 9th - CAMPO DE FUTBOL DE ATARFE, GRANADA, SPAIN
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atarfe poster

Capacity: 25,000

Concert starts: 10pm (doors open 8pm)

Address of venue: Av de la Estacion, Atarfe, Granada, Spain. MAP

Website: TBA

Tickets for this concert went on sale on February 20th, through the official ticket agents

Our thanks to Marisol Matarredona for the ticket scan shown to the right, and to Zerjillo for the concert poster below, right, and some supplementary information on the event.

David B. Ruiz Hall has also been a big help with our work on this page!

Our friend Jose Abellan from the Spanish site tells us that they have stopped their normal general coverage, to focus on this concert. Visit their site for more info before, during, and after the show!

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

Roger's 2008 Dark Side Of The Moon mini tour has now arrived in Europe for a string of dates, which should be very well received. The weather wasn't brilliant for this show - heavy rain for many hours lead to its own problems, which included equipment failure and also the crowd destroying the poor piggie! More details are in the great review below.

If you went, why not share your experiences with others less fortunate than you? Reports in Spanish are fine; we have a lot of readers for whom English isn't their first language, so we are always happy with items in other languages.

One day's break for the band (and crew) before they arrive in The Netherlands for the show there.


Well, last Friday Roger did in Granada (south of Spain) the only Spanish gig on the European part of his tour. I was also in Barcelona in 2007 (I wrote a review of that show for this website too!) and obviously the comparisons are there.

First of all, this time the concert was on the football stadium of a small town on the outskirts of the city, so the stands of the seated people were in not very good conditions. Also, the 'public' terraces were on the opposite side of the stadium (the stands near to the concert were reserved for companies), and with the technicians room in the middle of the field, to see the entire show was very difficult.

But I always buy a 'field' ticket, because the feelings of the music come easier to me, being in front of the stage.

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All the morning and afternoon was raining in Granada, and I think that was an added problem for the technicians, who definitely suffered this on 'In the Flesh?', when the sound of all the loudspeakers went off. But the audience didn't mind so much and encouraged all the crew.

Generally, the whole concert was really good. Some songs could be made more louder (In the Flesh, Wish You Were Here, Perfect Sense, Breathe) but musically it was really fine. P.P. Arnold was perfect on 'Perfect Sense', 'Set the Controls' sounded very good, 'Us & Them' was terrific, 'Fletcher Memorial' and 'Bring the boys back home' were very touching too... very good all, really.

The black side of the concert: the people in the audience.

Too many people went to the show just for something to do on a rainy day, and they were more attentive to the drink and the food than the concert and the music. Too many people talking and screaming during the 'slow' songs (Mother, Set the controls, Perfect Sense, Great Gig in the Sky...), talking about joints, drinks and other idiot stuff. Even people OPENING AN UMBRELLA in the middle of the show, disturbing the people behind them.

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During Sheep, the heavy rain and the people didn't let the pig fly, and Algie was moving around the crowd. At one point, the pig was over my head! But some idiots hung onto Algie and broke it. They pricked it, and used it like an air bed and then later started to break it into pieces. They ripped up Algie. Very, very disappointing.

Definitely, a very good concert, very good music, very good artists, but everything was tarnished a little by the rain and those foolish people.


It is with much thanks to Renate, who runs the excellent website, that we have these wonderful pictures for your enjoyment...

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Once again here I am in front of a blank sheet of paper, writing about Roger’s tour, trying to add up all thing relating to the event, so many, so many things to write about, so many worth mentioning...

First of all, my friends and I reached Atarfe at around 6pm. A small town before, it is called a “city” now, a different setting from the magnificent Barcelona opening before our eyes last year, now we were a couple of hundred kilometres to the south, in a town close to Granada, in a wide-open-space concert so different to the closed-in-door-space from St. Jordi’s Palace last year.

And there we were, waiting, waiting for the one-off event, as we would later find out, many of “us” had come from all over the world, Colombia, Germany, UK - and all over Spain, Valencia, Toledo, Madrid, Cartagena, Seville... As always, everyone was there to see Roger, and many were not first-comers, many had already been to Barcelona last year or even more.

And then... "Mother do you think they’ll like this song?" The soundcheck was starting and we were the lucky ones to start listening to the one-of-a-kind event to be in a few hours. We heard Mother, some of In The Flesh, some Sheep, some Time... it sounded far better than in BCN, and we were the lucky ones to be there.

Then we reached 8pm, we went in to discover that the seats were just too far from the stage, and that the best seats were for private companies, let me say this again, for private businesses only, not for fans, not for any general public who would willingly have paid any amount to see Roger up and close, but for all others, that was a very sad, very sad feeling indeed.

We were seated, and it reached 10pm, the event started. We were all very curious about how the surround system would work, and then we got the answer: it was awesome, although a grandiose glitch happened, the sound went of right at the middle of In The Flesh. We were strongly disappointed, it took ten minutes to take off again, and from there to the end of the first part of the concert we enjoyed all of Roger’s numbers, from Set The Controls to Wish You Were Here, to Sheep... Lovely! Lovely!! Lovely!!!

And then, after being soaking wet, after suffering wind and thunder, it all stopped, it finally stopped, and the darkest of moons rose in front of us, staggering, harassing, menacing, and there we were, waiting, calmly enjoying and wondering, and Breathe started. I would like to point out a couple of things reaching this end, first of all, Jon Carin is noticeable anywhere, but not even in WYWH is so noticeable as in DSOTM, he was 140% as the rest of the band were - as a friend of mine mentions - and Ms. Kenyon was the one to stand applause for. It was DSOTM - a unique DSOTM in a more-than-5.1 surround system. We were at the 7 o’clock position, Roger being at 12 o’clock, and our sound was out of time and place, it was an unearthly paradise between timeless sounds and music, unexpected, great... extraordinary... what else can I say?

And after that, a break, no lighting-prism this time, possibly due to the rain, however, listening again to Eclipse was the happiest-saddest moment, it was, once again, reaching to the end, Vera, Bring the Boys, ABITW pt II and Comfortably Numb. It was 00.45 AM, the show had ended, our memories were starting to flow once again...

I just hope it’s not the last tour, the last concert, the last we hear from him, but it’s time to agree upon something, thank you Roger for coming to Spain again, and most important of all, thank you for your music, at least, from those of us who were there!


It's always great to write this, because it means that I saw a Roger Waters gig. This time Roger didn't come to do Portugal, so I drove 700 Km from Lisbon to Granada to see the show and, sincerely, it was worth every centimetre of the trip.

Well, some previous notes:
- The venue took place in a small stadium of a little town near Granada. I think that the general organization revealed some problems: the sitting stands near the stage were reserved to the press and VIP guests and the other sitting places were very far away, in the opposite side of the stage. Also general conditions of the stadium were very poor, because it is a small football stadium of a small town.
- The audience were good, but, in my modest opinion, not so good as I expected from a latin crowd. I suppose that occurred because the audience were composed with a general mix of people: The Pink Floyd and Roger Waters fans and the local residents that went to a special night venue of their city.
- The prices of the food and drinks were insane!! I never paid that kind of prices in an event in Portugal (not even in Rock in Rio!!)
- During the day the rain keep falling in a very hard way. During the concert, for about 1 hour, it continuously rained.

But, let's cut the crap and let's talk about the gig.

The readers of the site already knows the general description, so I just write some notes about the concert:
- The show was far better than the one that I saw in Rock in Rio (2006) and Roger is in a great shape, physically and vocally, very happy and always interacting with the viewers. The lights and special effects were great but, to me, the large screen on the stage and the selection of images and videos that were reproduced, with a fantastic 3D effect, were the central attraction of the show
- In the Flesh opened the concert and, near the end of the song, the sound went down, so the explosions and fire-works didn't make the effect that certainly achieved with sound.
atarfe_joao - Because of the rain, the laser that makes the logo of TDSOTM didn't work. Nobody's fault (just the rain!!).
- Special moments: "Set The Controls", Perfect Sense (always!!), the "The final cut" songs (with a tear in my eyes), "Shine" "Have a Cigar" and, to close the first half, "Sheep" with the flying pig [click thumbnail to the right] passing over my head and the crowd in hysteria!!
- The Dark Side of The Moon performance was fantastic in every aspect and I will always remember the opening sequence with the spacecraft passing the moon and giving the effect that it will get out of the screen to our heads!!
- The encore was perfect and the synchronized explosions in Bring The Boys Back Home were fabulous and Comfortably Numb the epic and fantastic end of the show.
- The band were great (as always). And, by the way, it is coincidence that Chester Kamen appeared with an Andy Fairweather Low style??
- I already read in some sites (and in this one also) that the sound was bad. From my standing place (10 meters away from the stage and in the middle of the football field), the sound was great, this I can assure you!!

So, a great performance of my favourite musician!! Thank you Roger!!

Last Updated ( Friday, 23 May 2008 )
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