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Home arrow Roger Waters 2007 arrow March 4th - ESTADIO 3 DE MARZO, GUADALAJARA, MEXICO

estadio 3 de marzoCapacity: 30,000

Concert starts: 7pm

Address of venue: Av. Patria No. 1251, Col.Lomas del Valle, Zapopan, JAL  44630, MexicoMAP

Website: TBA

Tickets for this concert went on sale on December 14th, through, or telephone +38 18 3800. Our thanks to Josue Sanchez for his help with information about this show.

Thanks also, to Jorge "Mr_PinkFloyd" De La Rocha, for the picture of the tickets - shown below, and our thanks for the concert poster as kindly supplied by Ramiro Diaz de Leon.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.

Finally, our thanks to Josue Sanchez Tapetillo for the picture of the large advertising poster in the streets of Guadalajara, shown here:

guadalajara poster 


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

Following on from an almost two week break, the band are back in full swing, playing the second of three nights in Mexico.

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Ricardo Huicochea (who supplied the pics immediately below)

It was extraordinary, we enjoyed the greatest concert under an astonishing full moon...

guadalajara concert picture
guadalajara concert picture

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Jorge “Mr_PinkFloyd” De La Rocha

A great night despite the TERRIBLE ORGANIZATION, with the gig starting one hour late thanks to poor staff that did not expect all this response from the people. The place was oversold, more than 100% for sure, and 6 or 7 of the 9 available ticket types were old school “find your own place” style tickets.

At the end, the number on the ticket was meaningless because everybody was just jumping fences or moving and picking up the best spot they were able to get. I ended up really far away from the area I was supposed to be, and my party watched the entire gig standing on some stairs, terrible and sad, but that’s very typical from these Greedy Pigs.

guadalajara ticketIn 2002 I watched the tour in Mexico, DF and everything went smooth, and two days ago in Monterrey the show started right on time.

Anyway, Roger Waters managed to calm down the audience, hook us with his music really fast, and made us forget all this With a terrific perfomance, maybe too much Pink Floyd and not enough Roger Waters, but amazing indeed, way better than the 2002 tour in my opinion.

The setlist was the usual set (as expected), so I'm going to focus on the highlights (at least for me):

Mother was epic, out of nowhere I started to cry, smiling, but still full of tears. Shine on you Crazy Diamond was very powerful, the audience got hooked really quick and sang along.

Roger's new song Leaving Beirut was rrrrrreeeeally well received by the public, cheers and applause everywhere, Sheep was out of this planet, Animals is my fave Pink Floyd album and I always love to hear music from that particular album; Dogs from the 2002 tour was better if we speak about the “music” part of the performance, but on this 2007 tour Sheep has a way better “visual” part. The Pig made us go crazy “Cerdo Bush Derriba el Muro de la Frontera” (Bush, you pig, Tear down the Border Wall) was one of the messages on the Pig, the Pig was released at the end of the first half.

Dark Side of the Moon was well perfomed, some minor errors here and there, but a very solid performance, no doubt about it. Time, Great Gig in The Sky, Money, Us And Them And Brain Damage were practically fully followed by the audience, singing along.

I loved Any Colour You Like in particular, great job by Dave [Kilminster] on that one.

The encore, a Wall Medley (The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall II, Vera, Bring The Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb) was the perfect ending for the night. The band was fantastic; Dave and Ian [Ritchie] were probably the most heavily cheered when they were presented by Roger.

guadalajara concert pictureDespite the organizational flaws, the night was magical. Thanks Roger, hope you come back soon with more of your new songs (and a new album!)

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Josue Sanchez (who also supplied the pictures)

I have never been to a Pink Floyd or any member of the band’s show, so this encounter with Roger was very impressive!!

The show started over one hour late. The venue should be opened at 4:00 PM, but it was at 5:30 PM. Terrible. People tried to get in anyway they could. Luckily nobody was hurt.

The show was amazing! I got crazy when they played “In the Flesh”, “Shine on…”, “Have a Cigar”, “Wish you were here”, “The Fletcher Memorial Home”, “Perfect Sense”, “Sheep”, all Dark Side… and the encore was terrific!! I think “Wish you…”, “Sheep” with the Big Pig and “Another brick…” were the highlights.

The pig deserves special mention. The messages were: guadalajara concert picture“Cerdo Bush, derriba el muro de la frontera” (Pig Bush, demolish the border’s wall), “El miedo construye muros” (fear builds walls), in reference to the wall that Bush ordered to build in the border with our country.

Roger left three days ago and we’re already missing him. I hope he and his band come back soon…

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, José Antonio Suárez

I went to the Roger Waters Concert two days ago (March 4th) in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico. And it was amazing. The best concert presented in this city ever!!!

I used to write some articles about music and concerts locally, and here is the one I wrote for this one, in Spanish...

So you thought you
might like to go to the show?

 Las primeras lineas de "In the Flesh" se escucharon mostrando desde el primer momento que el concierto sería el más espectacular en la historia de Guadalajara. Con una parte auditiva diseñada para recibir sonidos en 360 grados, y una parte visual que fue vital para la espectacularidad. Una gigantesta pantalla, luces artificiales, fuego en el escenario, lasers, imagenes;  todos los asistentes nos envolvimos en una magia en común.

guadalajara_ad10 segundos despues de que inició el concierto, un escalofrio recorrió mi cuerpo, abriendo todos los sentidos para absorver la experiencia en su totalidad. El show inició exactamente una hora mas tarde de los programado, pero el retardo se olvido tan pronto las canciones se fueron identificando. Comenzó tocando dos canciones de "The Wall", la mencionada "In the Flesh" y "Mother", involucrando a todos en un ambiente sin igual, lleno de voces y recuerdos.

El concierto continuo con una emotiva interpretación de "Set the controls for the heart of the sun" en donde la pantalla presentó fotografías de un Pink Floyd muy jovén; añoranza y respeto a aquellos años. Inmediatamente despues comenzó a escucharse "Shine on your crazy Diamond" que levanto nuevamente las voces de todo el público. Era el turno de explorar el disco "Wish you were here", de la que tambien tocó "Have a cigar" y por supuesto la que da nombre al disco.

Despues de viajar por el disco Final Cut y algunas de sus canciones en solitario, se escuchó "Sheep" del disco "Animals" y fue cuando el espectaculo visual llegó a un punto máximo al surgir de pronto un gran cerdo, una gigantesco globo-marioneta enorme que voló por encima de los asistentes  y que al final de la canción continuó su vuelo hasta perderse en un pequeñisimo punto rosa en medio del oscuro cielo. Con lo que se terminó la primera parte del concierto.

Quince minutos bastaron para que de nuevo regresara la banda para deleitar, sorprender y reinventar. The Dark Side of the Moon, interpretado totalmente en un ambiente más relajado y tranquilo. Quedé maravillado con el juego visual de "On the run" y con la magestuosidad de "Us & Them". Todo el disco tocado sin interrupción, toda la gente en extasis auditivo, que apenas notamos que la banda se despidió.

El obligado regreso fue espectacular, totalmente tomado de "The Wall" en donde cada palabra de las 5 canciones fue coreada por los miles de asistentes. Lo mas sorprente: escuchar "Vera" y "Bring the Boys back home", fue fabuloso, fue inesperado,  unos cuantos minutos que llenaron de placer todo el estadio; fue enteramente disfrutable, recuerdos de la pelicula, recuerdos del disco, y luego el gran cierre con "Comfortably Numb", todo tenía sentido, el circulo se cierra y la sensación del mejor concierto en las venas corre y correrá por mucho tiempo.

La unida palabra que me viene a la mente es:  ESPECTACULAR !!!

Last Updated ( Friday, 09 March 2007 )
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