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Home arrow Roger Waters 2007 arrow April 19th - COLOR LINE ARENA, HAMBURG, GERMANY
colorline arena
colorline ticket

Capacity: 16,000

Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: Sylvesterallee 10, 22525 Hamburg, GermanyMAP


Tickets for this concert are now on sale through the venue,, and other normal agents, or within Germany, call 01805-570000. 

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

The final night saw the band rock this historic German city to its foundations, with the comments we've had thus far praising the band for an exemplary concert!

The tour now turns south, heading for Barcelona in Spain... if you are going, have a great time!

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Simon Wimpenny (picture by Stefen Gorm Hansen)

Arrived in Hamburg about 3pm, took the 5 minute walk to our hotel just by the train station. Kevin and I chilled out for an hour or so at the hotel before taking the train to the venue which was about 8 miles outside the city. Colour Line Arena is a biggish venue, I’d say maybe 16,000 with seating on 2 levels around an all seated floor area.

Kevin waited inline at the ticket office for 15 minutes and walked away with FIVE front row, dead centre seats for our friends, 103 euros each!!

A quick trip back to the box office revealed the show to now be fully sold out!( How the hell things like the above with tickets happen is beyond me but its not the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last time it occurs!)

"Any second now........they think its all over........."

This has to be THE best intro and build up to any show I’ve seen, I wonder if the German audiences realise what the opening clip was from ? I bet they don’t...

WOW!! What a show! Probably the best show I’ve seen of the tour so far performance wise and we all agreed the same. I’m really not sure what more can be said about the shows that hasn’t been said but i'll try.

I didn’t hear a single mistake last night,the only "flaw" I saw was Roger tripping onstage while doing his stage walkabout during Perfect Sense! this didn’t throw him off at all he just made his typical grimacing face at the offending cable and carried on regardless. Whilst it was an all seated show the crowd were very enthusiastic and rose to their feet at every opportunity, why they didn’t stay raised I’m not sure, maybe its just the German way!

Perfect Sense yet again proves to be one of, if not THE highlight of this show with Bring The Boys Back Home a close second followed only by Leaving Beruit,Andy's solo in this is simply stunning now and the whole track has now been fine tuned to perfection in my opinion.The Final Cut tracks again though are amazing to see and hear, watching Roger's facial expressions and the amount of emotion he puts into singing these is astounding.

At the end of Have a Cigar the whole band are once again 'freezing' onstage after the last note is played and only moving again 20 seconds or so later when the hand reaches up to turn the radio dial on the backdrop to the opening radio nose of WYWH, this is such a simple and very easily missed 'effect' but one definately worth watching out for when your at the shows.

hamburg concert

Second set of Dark Side went by in what seemed like seconds and the next thing we knew the whole audience are on their feet for Another Brick, I even saw one of the very stern looking German security guards tapping his feet! He actually stopped as soon as he knew I'd spotted him!! LOL this was the same security guy that had spotted someone sitting 8 rows behind us filming the show and had pulled him out of the audience, taken him outside and made him stamp on the actual camera tape and then escorted him back to his seat!! Don’t ya just love those foot tapping security guys :)

Comfy Numb closed the show as usual, the band took their bows, headed off stage......and then it was over!

Another great night, great show, great people and a great audience.

It's 10:30am the morning after the show and in my hotel room typing this up in the hope I can log on and post it in the airport on the way back to the UK. What should be a 2 hour flight back home is going to be a 10 hour journey due to flying via Dublin with a 5 hour layover 'in the aiport lounge' but hey for £48 roundtrip airfare what do you expect!!

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Guntmar Ploetzke

Great show again!

In fact some of the best gigs I ever saw.

Having seen RW last year in Berlin I was looking forward to see him again and this time indoor.  Not even to be able to see the lighthow and the movies the best possible way but also to see him performing something new.

And I did get what I came for….

They presented us new movies on a new screen with extra screens for detail-shots (brilliant!) and performing Leaving Beirut in a different way (reminds me of Money on the In The Flesh DVD). Good guitar by AFL.

A lot has been said about the lights, sound and the songs so I won´t repeat that again.

I want to tell you about the pause between the first and second half of the show.

When Roger sent us into the break the big lcd screen was totally black except of a tiny little spot right in the centre of the screen.  This little spot is going to come nearer and nearer and getting bigger and bigger in an absolute slow motion. After 15 minutes almost filling half the height of the screen and recognisable as our planet earth on the left side of the planet a little red flickering light showed up and the so well known heartbeats start.. As both objects are coming nearer and bigger the red light turns out to be a satellite which comes around the earth. Just in the moment as the satellite covers the earth and fills the whole screen the dark side of the moon leg starts.

In a moment during the intro to The Great Gig In The Sky Roger was really on the dark side (of the moon). One of the cherry pickers missed his cue so Roger stood in totally dark space and couldn´t see his hands on his bassguitar. As he has got light again he looks up to the cherry picker and forms his lips to a “thank you” with a very friendly smile.

So even these little mistakes he seems to enjoy during this tour.

I would like to say to all of you readers without a ticket for this tour: Go to the event near your home, travel, if possible, to the next town and see what you can do to see this man and his musicians this year!!

Everyone who knows even a little about the wall and pink floyd will not be disappointed.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 May 2007 )
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