Tweeter Center |
Ticket scan thanks to Keith Wiehrs |
Capacity: 25,000
Concert starts: 8pm
Address of venue: 885 South Main Street
Mansfield, MA, 02048-3148. MAP
Website: info.tweeter.com/tweetercenter
Whilst the venue is called the
Tweeter Center Boston, it is actually situated in Mansfield, which is
about 40 minutes southwest of Boston.
SET LIST - SEPT 8th/9th
The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On
You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock,
The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving
Beirut, Sheep.
SECOND HALF: Dark Side of the Moon.
ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb. |
The first of two nights at the
Tweeter, near Boston, saw a happier crowd than faced the then birthday
boy on the first date of his North American tour. Thankfully no sign of
the boos and catcalls that Roger experienced at the PNC during Leaving
Beirut - that was helped, no doubt, by the three military bases which
were within spitting distance of the Holmdel venue.
Also, this second show revealed
either that elements of Roger's road crew are clumsy, or that the
inflatable pig (this time with graffiti on it!) is meant to soar to the
heavens, heading for the dark side of the moon itself! The setlist was
unchanged, looking like it is cast in stone for the rest of the tour.
Could we see the odd, spontaneous song or position change in an
upcoming show? You know where you'll find the answers! Right here...
The second show at the venue gave
more of the same - pretty much same audience reaction, and another pig
ascending to the heavens... obviously a feature of each show to come on
the US tour.
Next stop is Madison Square Garden from Tuesday - if you are going, have a great time and tell us all about it!
There have been reviews of the concert published (through these links at) the Boston Globe, the Phoenix, and at the the Boston Herald.

Picture thanks to William Ashman
By BD contributor, Stephen Humphries
There was no KAOS, but plenty of
chaos at the first Roger Waters show at the Tweeter Center outside
Boston. There was that inflatable pig, unveiled during "Sheep," with
graffiti exhorting concertgoers to avoid being "led to the slaughter by
voting Democrat on Nov. 2." And that was after Roger had just finished
just excorciating George W. in the lyrics of his new song, "Beirut." Oh
yeah, and the helium-filled pig got away from it's handlers, taking off
into the night sky of the open-air theater. It was last seen heading
Westward toward the dark side of the full moon overhead as "Sheep" came
to a thrilling climax.
I had wondered whether the pig's
escape was an accident but it now appears that this is very much a
planned feature of the show. The tour budget for these unique, plastic,
custom-made "Vote Democrat" billboards is either rather large, or some
poor roadie is having to play fetch when the thing eventually deflates.
I wonder how many reports of UFO sightings the flying pig has
caused...And here's another random thought: Why not an inflatable sheep
during "Sheep"? I hear they're widely available at sex shops in the
outer Hebrides. (Badaboom!)
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Roger took to the stage at 8:20, starting out with "In The Flesh," and
he immediately reminded the crowd of what a commanding frontman he is.
In marked contrast to David Gilmour's very stoic, fairly expressionless
demeanor during the incredible "On An Island" show I saw in New York
earlier this year, Roger's had a facial expression for every line.
("Mother, should I trust the government?" Roger answered his own line
by shaking his head and offering up a wolfish, mischievous wink and
grin, which the crowd loved.) Roger wielded that large bass of his like
a battle axe, swinging it in with a dramatic arc during explosive
moments in the music. Must say that Waters looks more and more regal,
and even handsome, with age. Hasn't lost any vigor, either.
"Set the Controls for the Heart
of the Sun" was an early highlight with a sensational, abrasive guitar
solo by Snowy White. In addition to archival footage of Syd Barrett,
the movie screen backdrop on the stage screened psychedelic fluid
shapes that are a throwback to the light shows that the Floyd employed
during the late 1960s. (Check out Nick Mason's "Inside Out" for a
detailed account of how the band created it's innovative projector show
way back then.) "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" continued the Syd tribute
(more pics of him) and was quite different from the superb
rearrangement that Gilmour played on his tour. On Roger's "In the
Flesh" live album, the four note guitar refrain at the beginning of the
song was played fairly quickly -- I much preferred how Snowy White
teased out each note tonight, letting each note ring out, just like the
original and Gilmour's subsequent versions. A great version tonight.
Ditto "Have a Cigar" and 'Wish You Were Here." This being a slightly
older crowd than the audience at a concert for, say, a Coldplay
concert, there were thousands of lighters held aloft rather than
cellphones during this song. Huge numbers of teens, too, though, as
Pink Floyd -- like Led Zeppelin -- remains a rite of passage for
millions of adolescent males.
The crowd became a little more
restless when Waters reopened the Final Cut with "Southampton Dock." I
must admit that the references to Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
felt anachronistic and dated during "The Fletcher Memorial Home." But
just when I thought Roger had lost touch with the current moment, he
launched into "Perfect Sense, Pt, 1 and 2." Lyrics such as "And the
Jews killed the Arabs/And the Arabs killed the hostages/And that is the
news" suddenly felt relevant again. The lyric about "the president is a
fool" was just a warmup for "Beirut," a song about how Waters had been
kindly taken in by an Arab family when he was hitchhiking through the
region back in 1961. It's not, alas, a particularly memorable melody,
but the lyrics don't pull any punches as they take on president Bush
directly. I didn't take offense at the lyrics, though a few lines are
rather clumsy, as I oppose the war and I'm a libertarian rather than a
Republican or Democrat. The song went down fairly well in this most
liberal of states, but Waters may have to hire an extra ring of
security around the stage if he ever plans to take this show to Texas.
"Sheep" was a delight. Though it
was great to experience David Gilmour's blistering version of "Echoes"
-- an experience I'll never forget -- as well as renditions of obscure
Floyd songs such as "Wots, uh, the Deal," I wished that he had delved
into the "Animals" album on his recent tour, as well as on past Floyd
shows. I've always felt that the album contains some of his finest
guitar moments. So hearing "Sheep" was one of the evening's highlights
for me, even though this version seemed to have less guitar soloing
than the original. (I could be wrong in thinking that, but my attention
was distracted by that flying pig!) An outstanding first half to the
show with great stage craft that included all manner of pyrotechnics
and fireworks. There were great back-screen videos such as the
submarine inside a sports stadium during "Perfect Sense," and, ahem,
footage of "a nice pair" during "Mother." Loved the astronaut that
floated above the audience at one point!
Dare I say that "The Dark Side of
the Moon" wasn't quite as effective as the best moments of the first
part of the show? It was a treat to hear it in its entirety for the
first time since the 1994 "Division Bell" tour, and it was performed
beautifully, but those who have watched "Pulse" will surely agree that
the other three did it much better. Though Roger was a creator of "Dark
Side of the Moon," he was largely reduced to the role of a sideman,
holding down the bass playing, during this part of the show as he
doesn't sing on the original record all that much. The band did an
admirable job of filling in for Gilmour's vocals, with Dave Kilminster
doing a great job singing "Money."
Wish I could be as enthused about
Kilminster's guitarwork. He's a serviceable, competent player but he's
a little sloppy and he doesn't have much control over his vibrato and
wide bends -- surely a prerequisite for Pink Floyd songs! (Perhaps
Roger Waters could hire Gary Moore or Jeff Beck next time?) The
difference between Kilminster -- who, oddly, got the lion's share of
guitar solos during the concert -- and Snowy White was hugely apparent
whenever Snowy stepped forward with his Les Paul. Not only does the
ex-Thin Lizzy bluesman have a rich, full-bodied tone, but his
improvizational work and fluidity was a few leagues above Kilminster's
workmanlike axework. (I really must dig out Snowy's "Highway to the
Sun" album again...)
Here's what I love about Roger
Waters's versions of the Pink Floyd songs on "In the Flesh": Instead of
trying to ape Gilmour's distinctive sound, Snowy White and Doyle
Bramhall III did a lot of improvizing and complemented each others
playing by trading solos back and forth. It made the material seem
utterly fresh. Alas, there wasn't as much of that inventiveness and
collaboration at tonight's show as Kilminster remained more faithful to
the script of the original records. Ah,I'm starting to sound like a
nitpicking grouch -- it was still incredible stuff and I was swooning
While I'm mentioning the band, I
must salute Graham Broad on the drums: His sound was crisp and groovy
all nght and the crowd loved the way that he turned the percussion
intro to "Time" into a mini drum solo of sorts. Jon Carin, who toured
with Gilmour earlier this year, was outstanding on keys, vox, and even
guitar. Andy Fairweather Low is a respected guitarist (Eric Clapton's
sideman of choice when he tours) and did some nice lead guitar during
"Beirut." And the three backing vocalists -- Katie Kissoon, PP Arnold,
and Carol Kenyon are deservedly well-known singers in their own right.
I felt that Roger was on my
firmer ground once he returned to the Floyd work that he is best know
for: "The Wall." "The Happiest Days Of Our Lives," "Another Brick In
The Wall (Pt 2)," "Vera," "Bring the Boys back Home" made for a
fabulous encore with the crowd singing along to every work and miming
out every glorious guitar solo. The show ended, of course, with
"Comfortably Numb." It couldn't compare to the absolutely astonishing
version that Gilmour played at his show this year (with a solo so good
that it made even the Live 8 version seem dull) but Roger sang it much
better than he did at Live 8 and the two guitarists swapped turns at
the solo at the end, which was shorter than other versions of the song.
In all, a triumph of a show for Roger Waters. Now let's hope he gets
back the studio soon to record "Beirut" and other tracks -- after all,
that song isn't going to see as relevant when Bush is out of office!

Pigs, each night with a message... thanks to Quincy Vagell and Sophie Griswold
By BD contributor, Tom Cattaneo
Just got in from the show and the
man offically still has it. He rocked out and sounded awesome - I was
so suprised I truly didn't expect him to put the show on that he did.
The girl singing great gig in the sky nailed it!
Setlist was the same it's been, and the quadrophonic sound system which was turned on for Dark Side of The Moon was amazing!
Flawless performance by the band,
no-one booed during leaving beiruit as previously stated (possibly
because the show was in Kennedy Land AKA Massachusetts). The video
screens were an awesome touch to the music, saying how the only thing
missing was lasers.
Roger looked and especially
sounded really suprisingly great! I'm so glad I got tickets to both
nights now, this was quite the retro Floyd experience!
By BD contributor, Ian Currie
An insane amount of traffic
resulted in me missing the first two songs, but I can say that the rest
of the concert was extremely enjoyable. Roger was in fine form. He sang
much better than he did at Live8 and the band was great. I was happy to
see Dave Kilminster on guitar (since much of my own playing is
attributed to him) and while I usually enjoy Snowy White, I found him
uninspired this time.
Highlights for me were: Perfect
Sense, Leaving Beirut, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Bring the Boys Back
Home. Leaving Beirut is controversial, but I thought the song (and the
video presentation with the lyrics) was clever.
I also didn’t enjoy DSOTM as much
as the other stuff (but certainly nothing was bad). While Jon Carin
(keyboard player) usually does a good job with David Gilmour’s vocals,
I was disappointed with his singing this time – especially on Us &
Them. I did enjoy Money a great deal – Dave K’s vocals were great.
While Roger’s shows was much more
like Pink Floyd than Dave Gilmour’s recent tour, I did miss Dave’s
guitar playing – much more so than I did on Roger’s last tour. The best
guitar playing of the night actually came from Andy Fairweather-Low
(who is usually in the background switching between guitar and bass)
when he did the awesome Mark Knopfler-esque solo on Leaving Beirut!
By BD contributor, Colleen
The show exceeded expectations. Under a full moon in open air seats, we were amazed!
I had seen the Dark Side of the
Moon tour in 73’ in Boston, and couldn’t miss this one. It was well
worth the 400+ mile trip. I urge anyone that can get a hold of tickets
for upcoming shows in the US and Canada, to do so. You won’t be
Roger was awesome. All of the
band members were great. The drummer was unbelievable. The sound
quality was amazing! The collective consciousness of the audience was
palpable, especially during the encore when all 25,000 sang together.
And yes, the pig was cool. I loved how the spotlight followed it for as long as possible. I wonder whose yard it landed in?
By BD contributor, John Altieri
Well, if Roger is lip syncing he fooled me. We had the best seats in the house front row center!!!
Roger was very animated during
the entire show. He strolled from side to side during the songs he did
not sing. Yes, he shook his head during “Mother... After the line
should I trust the government?” He mouthed “fuck no”...
The sound!! It was just incredible. It was not too loud just perfect!!! The band was awesome.
By BD contributor, Mark LaPointe
Just when I thought I'd seen the
best of Roger, he comes out in 2006 and blows me and everyone else away
with an OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE on September the 8th in Mansfield,
I've been lucky enough to see him
on every tour dating back to 1984, and I have to say this show ranks up
with the Clapton "Pros and Cons.." shows. I know some of you will scoff
at that comparison for numerous reasons but, the warmth from this show
is still inside me so I might not yet be back to my senses.
The only negative thing I can
review about the show was starting out with "In the Flesh". Makes sense
on paper and it gets the crowd going but, he's done that before. I
would have preferred "The Ballad of Bill Hubbard", especially since
that's what the evening was really about--a meditation on war and the
disconnect it creates. That's why I'm glad the Thatchers and Reagans
are mentioned in FMH; every generation needs a reminder.
The remainder of the evening was
blissful to say the least. Everything from the live radio, whisky
glass, cig and listener in the back drop to the pig flying off towards
the moon during "Sheep" was simply memorable and surreal. Roger really
pick out a quality first set. I'm glad he ditched "In every Strangers
Eyes" this time; I've heard that enough; plus, only Clapton can do
justice to it.
Most importantly, Roger's voice sounded fantastic and he looks great at 63!
For the sake of brevity, here's ten things that come to mind.
- Andy Fairweather-Low's stylish guitar ending on "Have a Cigar". Just beautiful. Thank you Andy!
- The visuals were
better--compared to the last tour. Though it will never match Pros and
Cons (I think he had a bigger budget back then)
- Sheep. Powerful; I have a new appreciation for that song
- Beirut gave me Goosebumps. He rang out the lyrics with such heart and emotion
- Hearing "Vera Lynn" and "Bring the Boys back Home" for the first time (since I never saw "The Wall" live--boo hoo, hoo)
- Fletcher Memorial Home. I was glad that he didn't do it just acoustically. The guitar solo adds to that song.
- Graham Broad. Man, doesn't he hold everything together nicely. An unsung hero in my opinion
- The "Great Gig in the Sky". Nice job Harry!
- Hearing "Any Colour You Like"
lead into "Brain Damage" for the first time (don't believe he's ever
played that combo solo before)
- Bringing friends that have never seen Roger before and see their reactions. KAOS aside, Roger has never failed to impress me.
SHOW REVIEW - SEPT 8th and 9th
By BD contributor, John Shack
It was a GREAT concert, crowd was
a bit older than I expected, and very well-behaved, very quiet during
the right moments. Packed again, I would say at least 23,000.
Leaving Beirut produced a few
boos, many more cheers. (Massachusetts will be the friendliest
Roger-state on this tour, this is not a concert that would go over well
in the southern U.S.) My friends were asking about the possibility of a
DVD, pass the word on please!
By BD contributor, William Ashman
To keep this brief, I am huge fan
that had some nice seats 1st row stage right. I cannot believe they
allow digital cameras in these venues like they do now...
Here's some highlights:
- The pig flew once more into the nite sky..."Impeach BUSH"
- The astronaut was powered this time, no cords holding him unlike Fridays show
- The large widescreen appears newer on the US tour
- It appears to me to be one hell of a huge LCD Screen unlike earlier Projections. NICE!
The highlight for me during these
shows were the two Final Cut tunes and two Wall tunes ("Vera" and
"Bring The Boys Back Home"). Love the pyro during BTBBH.
Roger thank you for great nites! Well worth the extra cash on tickets this tour.

Picture thanks to William Ashman
By BD contributor, Robynne Wildman Cote
Saw Roger at the Tweeter Center
in Mansfield, MA, started at 8:18pm. The show was EXCELLENT! Every song
was fun for Roger, for his bandmates, for us. Fabulous job by everyone
in the band, but special kudos to the ladies. As always they knocked me
out with their power, passion and great F***kin pipes! Damn they are
"Set the Controls to the Heart of
the Sun" was well done. Most of the crowd where I was were swaying in
their seats until about the middle of the first set. When "Wish You
Were Here" started everyone got on their feet and the lighters came out
all over the place.
No problem with Roger's political
views tonight, as "Perfect Sense" and "Leaving Beirut" were played
brilliantly, sung brilliantly and met with cheers.
If you have read other reviews you've read about the Pig as "Sheep" ends. It's all true and I just loved it!
Dark Side of the Moon in its
entirety was a dream come true. I had the goofiest smile on my face the
whole time I wasn't singing along. Which the whole place was doing.
The encores were as good as ever.
Loved ending with "Comfortably Numb", and yes I was by that point.
Thankfully, I wasn't driving. All in all an absolutely wonderful time
was had by everyone I saw and heard on the way out and while in the
midst of it all.
I haven't missed one tour since 1985, I'm glad I saw this one too and I'm looking forward to the next one. Keep Rocking Roger.
By BD contributor, Jim Price
My 5th Roger Waters show since
1999 (just to the right of the soundboard) was met with high
anticipation and was well rewarded with a stunning visual and sound
clarity unmatched by any other band I have ever seen and that's with
about 200 concerts under my belt. Zero distortion with my favorite
Animals in the back round and all around. The visual video effects on
the High Definition video (LCD?) screen were second to none!! Roger
must be having a blast with the latest and greatest in technology these
days. I am sure touring with his son Harry (sporting a major set of
dreads!) is special for this Dad.
Highlights for me; Set the
Controls for the Heart of the Sun, Have A Cigar, Sheep ( the Animals
album needs to be done in it's entirety) Perfect Sense, The Fletcher
Memorial Home and of course the DSOTM Suite, etched in my brain like
many multiple millions of people. The vintage Floyd pictures in black
and white- most notably Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett brought many smiles.
PP Arnold, Katy Kissoon and Carol Kenyon belting it out with a vocal
range out in the stratosphere highlighted the true professionalism of
Roger Waters with respect the the music- those were not lounge singers
by any stretch of the imagination. Seeing Bush's name written across
the Pigs Ass made me howl and the Pig was quite close to me at one
Often in reviews people
"complain" if you will about certain aspects of the show which
seemingly are often trivial and mundane. I failed to see anyone last
night not enjoying (booing) the show even with the brilliant political
"message" weaved seamlessly into the set. If I had to pick one thing I
would have liked more it would be to see more of Amused to Death songs
played, in fact it's a shame this album never got to tour.
All in all this Brick in the Wall
is longing for the official return of The Pink Floyd. The Wall must be
done again for the millions and millions of fans who never got to see
it. Roger's stunning performance last night at 63 years old was very
special and only solidified my longing for the return of The Pink Floyd
even more.
It was a great show and I got to enjoy it with some good friends. Go see it!!
By BD contributor, Michael Wilson
I can’t say enough good things
about the show or the Band for that matter. I’ve never had the
opportunity to see Roger Waters before. I am amazed that at age 63 he
can still belt them out. I read the newspaper reviews for the September
8th show. In no way shape or form do they describe how good the show
was, nor do they give the band the credit it deserves.
The show was flawless, absolutely
flawless, not a bad song selection. I can’t hop, skip, and jump around
the country, so I don’t care that the set list is “the same as…”. I
went with my friend John. He has seen Roger Waters four times previous
to this. He said it’s the best show he’s seen them do.
We were in section 8 all the way
to the left side of the venue. We could see the moon (which was full
the night before) travel across the sky as the show went on. During
Dark Side when the verse “the sun is eclipsed by the Moon”, everyone
who knew it was there turned, and pointed up at it. It’s an evening I
will never forget.
I like Roger’s politics. I am
glad he gave the Arab family that took him in some thanks, and yes you
know who’s education, you know where has really put the whole world in
a very bad place. Regardless of what you want to say politically, you
can’t deny the current state of affairs, has given the earth, and
America a black eye. He’s not saying anything someone with half a brain
doesn’t know. I’m glad he has the guts to stick by, and “speak” for
some of us who feel the same way.
I have one complaint about the
crowd, too many people yelling “sit down”, while it gave my feet a rest
- it’s a rock concert…. Thanks, hope to see them again soon.
By BD contributor, T White
9/9 Boston show: Absolutely Brilliant!
Great Set List, well-played,
trippy lights, awesome sound… Glad I was there! (Could we please have a
Pink Floyd reunion?) Imagine if Gilmour's guitar solos were being
played by Gilmour?!
By BD contributor, Rob Smith
I am seventeen my name is Rob
Smith, (no relation to The Cure) and I am from Dudley Massachusetts,
US. Pink Floyd has been my favorite band since i was about thirteen.
Unfortunately I was born in the wrong decade and never got to see, or
will get to see Pink Floyd even though I have seen a couple floyd
tribute bands. I am not a light Floyd fan, I know a lot about them and
I am not just saying that. Roger Waters is as close as I could get to
Pink Floyd, and it was good enough for me. The show was the best thing
I had ever seen. I recently went to a Robert Plant concert and it
sucked. I honestly did not know what to expect at the Dark Side show,
but now I would give a million dollars to see it again. It sounded
almost as if they were all together again.