Anfiteatro Arena di Verona, Italy |
Ticket scan (June 4th) - thanks to Virginia & Remo |
Ticket scan (June 5th) - thanks to Marc Bruijn |
Capacity: 14,000
Concert starts: 9:30pm
Address of venue: Piazza Bra 28, 37121 Verona, Italy. MAP
Website: www.arena.it
The Flesh, Mother, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You
Were Here, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, The Gunner's
Dream, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense
parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
SECOND HALF: Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb. |
The Flesh, Mother, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Leaving Beirut, Have A
Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun,
The Gunner's Dream, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home,
Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Sheep.
SECOND HALF: Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb. |
Both nights in Verona saw the
setlist given a bit of a shake-up - possibly to see what works best -
and each of the three shows to date have had subtly different running
orders. (Our thanks to Zack/Cristiano Padovani for the set list from
June 5th)
Reports that are coming in are
unanimous that Roger is on fire at the moment, and that his tour is not
to be missed if you can help it. It is with thanks to Vanni de Rossi
that we have a handful of pictures from the evening, on this page.
PRESS REVIEW - June 4th show
Thanks to BD contributor, Virginia, for the scan and translation
The ex-Pink Floyd leader captures the anfitheatre with a powerful show full of effects
After 17 years since the three
concert dates of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters takes back the Arena even if
for only two nights, and captures the anfitheatre with a powerful show,
full of exaggeration, sounds and visual effects, a joy for the ears and
eyes. But also, the sold out arena has a good effect on the ex-bass
player of Pink Floyd. "You are lucky to have such a nice place" he said
in English after a few words in Italian ("Grazie, buona sera", the
usual things).
The concert starts with songs
from "The wall", but at the very end he doesn't play the second part of
"Another brick in the wall" [NOTE: just to be played in the encores…],
that was in the list. But it doesn't matter: the impact of "The
happiest days of our lives" and "Mother", but most of all of "Shine on
you crazy diamond", is so strong that it is nearly surprising: this is
really mental rock, that brings to mind symbols (the fascist one of the
two hammers, red and black), capable of entering the brain and remain
there with effects that you can't preview. There's the rage against the
war machine, spoken by the words of a son (Mother, do you think they'll
drop the bomb) and there's the emotion for the words of "Wish you were
here", dedicated as "Shine on…" to the "crazy diamond" Syd Barrett, the
first leader of the Floyds, remembered with parts of a movie at the
group's shoulders.
public is silent, as the steps where we've seen Ligabue [NOTE: a very
famous Italian rocker], hand over his chin and head down, enjoying
Waters music incognito. Many people also said that there was also
Adriano Celentano [NOTE: another very very famous Italian singer from
the sixties - he should be nearly the same age as Roger], but we
haven't seen him or at least he has paid attention not to be seen. But
we believe that Adriano, the most famous musician in Italy, could have
been not seen in the middle of the space rock of Waters, especially
during "Set the controls for the heart of the sun", a psychedelic song
that is now more than 35 years old but sounds more modern than the rock
that we have now on the charts.
In a few seconds, "Wish…" ended,
and we pass from the vision of Barrett and the others of the group
(filmed at the end of the sixties) to a space atmosphere where the
galaxy seems to be opened, vertigiously, at the bottom of the theatre.
The face of Barrett returns, surrounded by the light of the sun and
with yellow and red colours. As for the father, died during the second
world war, the image of the ex-mate Syd Barrett is the other big
presence/absence in Waters concert. The red poppies that fall in "Set
the controls" let Roger introduce the theme of "The final cut" where he
takes songs from the personal life to politics.
On the screen, while Waters sings
"The Fletcher memorial home" we can see the faded pictures of Saddam,
George Bush's son, Reagan and Stalin, attached in the wall of a
psychiatric hospital for survivors of the war. "Now the final solution
can be applied" says Roger, while we read on a wall a Stalin statement
"Death solves problems; no man, no problem".
The first part of the concert
ends with "Leaving Beirut", the story of a meeting in the Middle East,
the experience of Arab hospitality, that here is put face to face with
the situation today in Iraq and Palestine. Waters reproaches Bush and
also Blair, calling them confidentially George and Tony, and putting
aside the song "Sheep" with the psalm of the good shepherd. The irony,
if there was one, was crushed by the music and fires that closed the
first part of the concert.
In the second half Waters plays
note by note "Dark side of the moon" (a question for the Pink Floyd
lovers: should it have "The" before it, or not?), from the psychotic
"Speak to me" to the floating "Breathe", to the final "Eclipse". A real
delight but, as Johnny Depp in "Donnie Brasco" said "Why am I saying
A curiosity: the keyboards player
Jon Carin, was also in the band with the other Floyds in 1989 and could
be happily playing in the Arena for 5 nights. In fact, tonight Waters
gives another concert, here, and tickets are still available...
SHOW REVIEW - June 4th
By BD contributor, Hugh Stewart
Just before Roger took the stage
a lite drizzle of rain blessed the crowd. It was like holy water. As
Roger and the band took the stage a huge lightening bolt struck behind
the arena for all the crowd to see.
The show opened with In The Flesh working into Mother. It was amazing energy that Roger gave the Italian audience.
Roger introduced a new song about
his experience of hitchhiking home from the middle east when he was 17
yrs old and how a family took him in and showed great kindness. Very
cool. When Roger and the band got into Dark side the crowd went crazy.
The quadraphonic system in the
Arena de Verona was superb. I'm not sure what back up singer sang Great
Gig In The Sky but she made my knees shake. Dave Kilminster, Lead
Guitar and Vocals did an amazing job. I do miss Doyle, though.
I am going back tonight for some
more. If you are a Roger Waters fan you should not miss this concert.
It was one of the best I have ever seen!
SHOW REVIEW - June 4th
By BD contributor, Alessandro
First 2 thoughts after having
reached my seat in the arena: 1)"Oh my god.....what a lovely venue for
a show...." 2) A couple of seconds later "Damn!!!!!! we are placed too
much on the left and we can't see part of the screen!!!!!!".
The show starts with a powerful
IN THE FLESH, the crossing hammers and fireworks!!! Then a surprising
setlist, with songs that I didn't expect and a couple of pearls like
HAVE A CIGAR and SHEEP!!!!!! Roger is in a great form, the light show
is amazing and the Surround effect, with the help of the old
amphitheatre, give an impressive force to the show.
Some minimal errors give me the
feeling that someone in the band have to warm up some more (this is the
2nd night of the tour) and in particular my personal idol Snowy seems
under his usual standard. With the FINAL CUT songs, Perfect Sense and a
particular song that I guess is Leaving Beirut, the night turns darker
and the revival gives place to war nightmares and an intimate
atmosphere. The highlights are Set the controls and Sheep without a
doubt, although I can't listen to Mother without crying for this
beautiful song...
20 minutes of break and we can
hear the heartbeating around us. The dark side runs in a perfect way,
very close to the record (maybe too close!) and the audience is
completely in trance when the beautiful chorist sings The great gig in
the sky....Oh by the way! welcome back Mr Screen!
The encores see Roger jumping
from the both sides of the stage smiling and cheeering with the crowd,
that at this point is in state of grace! The unmissable Happiest days
of our lives and Another brick in the wall are followed by an
unexpected Vera/Bring the boys back Home/Comfortably Numb great finale,
with the breathtaking fireworks giving us the goodnight.
Great night, great Roger. I think
this brilliant show will give his best after a few nights warming up,
however it left me big emotions that I'll hardly forget. See you later
Rog! We'll meet again in Lucca!
SHOW REVIEW - June 4th
By BD contributor, Friso Zomer
It took a while, but after a
great vacation in Italy I am back home. I saw the concert in the Arena
on June 5th. Great seats on row 6, made it possible to shoot some nice
pics, although rain made it somewhat hard to get good focus all the
After the 2002 tour (I saw the
concert in the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and the Ahoy, Rotterdam show),
this was another great step up to a higher level. With exceptional
sound quality and further developed visual projections, movies and
effects compared to 2002, the concert really was the concert experience
of a lifetime.
By BD contributor, Pablo Céspedes Vargas
Procedente de Roma, llego a
Verona (Italia) el mismo domingo 4 de junio por la mañana y lo primero
que hago, al salir de la estacion de trenes, es dirigirme hacia el
anfiteatro Arena, simbolo de la ciudad y, probablemente, el escenario
abierto mas impactante del mundo. Primero porque arquitectonicamente es
inigualable y, segundo, porque su acustica es realmente buena. La noche
anterior habia tocado Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) y el domingo 4 y el
lunes 5 tocaba Roger. Despues de visitar algunos lugares turisticos me
dirijo al famoso anfiteatro de la pequeña ciudad a eso de las 20:00.
Ubico mi lugar numerado sin problemas y me siento (en el sentido de
"sentar" y "sentir") relativamente tranquilo a pesar de que este es uno
de los dias mas importantes de mi vida. Sentado y contemplando el
bellisimo anfiteatro, espero las 21:30 (hora de inicio del concierto)
Mientras tanto, por los parlantes se escuchan algunos temas del gran
Bob Dylan. A las 21:40 aproximadamente las luces se apagan y la gente
esta verdaderamente emocionada (unos minutos antes la gente hacia
"olas" en la tribuna del Arena). "In The Flesh" es el mejor comienzo
para un concierto. Nunca habia escuchado en vivo un inicio tan
impactante, lleno de fuegos articiales, de luces por todo lado, de
sonido perfecto. En resumen, el inicio soñado. Luego "Mother". Lo
siento, no hay palabras para describir este momento, asi que no lo
hago. Cuando "Shine on you crazy diamond" suena las imagenes de Syd
Barret se proyectan sobre la pantalla gigante. Precisamente "Shine on
you.." es el tema que tocaron para la prueba de sonido y lo habia
escuchado en la tarde cuando encontré a Roger para obtener un autografo
suyo como simbolo de nuestro encuentro. El concierto continua con el
nuevo tema "Leaving Beirut". Inmediatamente se escucha el impactante
"Have a Cigar" y, luego, el archiconocido "Wish you were here". Roger
continua con el hipnotizante "Set the Controls...".
Despues, Roger se sienta y llega
la parte mas intima del concierto. Canta algunos temas del "Final Cut":
"Gunner's Dreams" "Southampton Dock" y "Fletcher Memorial". Emotivo.
Luego, otro de los mejores momentos del concierto: "Perfect Sense" (la
gente estaba realmente excitada). Para finalizar la primera parte,
varias ovejas se dejan escuchar a traves del sistema cuadrafonico. Es
que Roger toco "Sheep"! Juro que vi al Pink Floyd de los 70. Lo juro.
Me paso lo mismo que en el concierto de Gilmour en Paris. La misma
sensacion del momento en el cual Gilmour y Wright tocaron "Echoes"...
La segunda parte fue increible.
Todo el "Dark Side of the Moon" nota por nota con una perfeccion
absoluta. Jon Carin canto algunas partes de Gilmour. Y lo hizo bien. El
sonido cuadrafonico se hizo notar mas que nunca. Cuando Roger toco la
ultima nota de "Eclipse" todo el mundo se puso de pie y aplaudio por
varios instantes la brillante ejecucion de uno de los mejores discos de
la historia.
El ENCORE vendria a traves de
"The happiest days...", "Another Brick II" y luego una delicia: "Vera"
y "Bring the Boys..." (otro de los temas que me estremecen). Para
terminar con "Comfortably Numb". El publico estaba verdaderamente
enloquecido. Pero Roger no volveria mas. Habia terminado uno de los
mejores conciertos de mi vida.
Para finalizar, solo puedo decir
que ha sido "el concierto perfecto en el lugar perfecto y con la musica
perfecta". Esperaba que Roger tocase "Dogs", "Pigs","Nobody Home", etc.
pero reconozco que haber escuchado temas increibles como "Have a Cigar"
y "Sheep" ha sido un verdadero privilegio.
No olvidaré jamas estas dos
noches. Dificil quedarse con una. Los dos conciertos fueron
maravillosos. Este es el resumen de las 2 noches, de los 2 conciertos
en el Arena de Verona, Italia el 4 y 5 de junio de 2006.
Una anecdota: al finalizar el
segundo concierto me encontré en la estacion de trenes con la persona
que estaba sentada a mi lado en el anfiteatro. Un italiano que estaba
durmiendo en la estacion, como yo. Claro y despues de haber gastado 300
euros en los billetes de tren y en los tickets de los dos conciertos,
como quieren que nos hubiese alcanzado el dinero para el hotel?
SHOW REVIEW - June 4th
By BD contributor, Boris
I want to tell you a story about
what happened to us just an hour before RW show in Arena di Verona on
4th of June 2006. A beautiful day, a beautiful city and the three of us
(my girlfriend Iva, my good friend Gjuro and myself) were walking
through the narrow streets of Verona and all of a sudden in front of a
small hotel in flowers I somehow noticed two Italian autograph hunters.
As it turned out later, it really
was a place where Rog and the band stayed and the two of them were
obviously waiting for him. I felt a bit strange at that point, thinking
of what could happen there so I suggested that we finish our ice-creams
in front of the hotel.
a few minutes later I couldn't believe my eyes because Mr. Snowy White
appeared on a doorway. As no one recognized him, he left the hotel and
walked(!) towards Arena which was a few blocks away. Two pros didn't
recognized him, but I didn't miss my chance to introduce myself and ask
for an autograph (I got it alright!) and even take a photo with him. He
was absolutely wonderful and nice, we thanked each other and I wished
him a good show.
And the show was really
magnificent but I won't write about it here because a few guys already
wrote some good reviews on it. Except that things like this can happen
once in a lifetime (if you are fortunate), the significance of this
story for me is actually in showing the real meaning of phraze The most
famous faceless people on Earth, which was connected with the band for
a long time. Being a truly Floyd fan for years and knowing that Snowy
was a closest stagemate through legendary performances during Animals
tour (...even a witness of epic moment when Roger spat in fan's face in
Montreal) and a man behind Dave's mask trough The Wall shows, not to
mention studio work when he beautifully bridged Pigs on the Wing
1&2, I resume that this story puts him in the same picture. In the
best faceless Floyd tradition and totally aware of being unrecognizable
he simply seized the chance to enjoy a lovely summer afternoon in
Verona and unlike the rest of the band who went there by cars, walked
to the concert just like we did. And we are talking about the living
legend here...
After a while entire band showed
up except Rog who slipped through back door obviously. I was a bit
dissapointed but only for a moment until I realized how things happened
perfectly. If someone ever asked me whom I would like to meet amongst
the whole PF crew, I'd surely say Snowy because I really respect and
love the man (and possibly Storm Thorgerson - which is much more
unlikely to meet on an occasion like this) and rather keep all the
gentlemen from the band to stay more as mythical figures than real
people. Maybe it would be too sureal to meet them at the street, facing
the fact that they are ordinary people after all. Maybe this is what
fandom is all about. And maybe not. Anyway, Mr. Snowy thank you for
this. Respect and gratitude.
Despite the fact that neither
band or solo members ever performed in Croatia where I came from, I saw
PF shows three times in 1994 (Wien, Prague and Udine), RW in Budapest
in 2002 and this one two months ago. I am also looking forward to see
DG show in Venice just in few days for which we bought tickets a month
And as for Syd, I can only join
the fandom and send deep emotions from this part of the dark globe too.
Thank you for all the beautiful music, thoughts and moments which you
shared with the world before I was even born. It still echoes in this
part of the world as well, just as in any other. And probably elsewhere.