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Home arrow David Gilmour 2006 arrow April 19th - KODAK THEATRE, LOS ANGELES, CA
April 19th - KODAK THEATRE, LOS ANGELES, CA Print E-mail

Kodak Theatre
Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles
Kodak Theatre
Ticket scan - thanks to Robyn Welty
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: 6801 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028. MAP


FIRST HALF: Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise, Castellorizon, On An Island (w/Crosby & Nash), The Blue, Red Sky At Night, This Heaven, Then I Close My Eyes, Smile, Take A Breath, A Pocketful Of Stones, Where We Start.

SECOND HALF: Shine On You Crazy Diamond (w/Crosby & Nash), Wearing The Inside Out, Fat Old Sun, Arnold Layne, Coming Back To Life, High Hopes, Echoes.

ENCORE: Wish You Were Here, Find The Cost Of Freedom (w/Crosby & Nash - one of their songs), Comfortably Numb.


The special guests seen in New York made a return, delighting the crowd at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles. The early tune added for the second night at Oakland also made a welcome return, and we suspect that this will be performed on one of the nights being recorded at the Royal Albert Hall, for inclusion on the resultant DVD.

The band now make the very short transfer across town to the Gibson Theatre for the final US show - via the Burbank Studios where they will be recording a performance for the Jay Leno show. If you are going to either of these, have a great time, and let us know your views!

Our thanks to Richard Perry for the very quick submission of the set list.


By BD contributor, Tony Farinella

Oh... my... god...

I am still processing what I just saw/heard. I feel like an impressionable teenager. I haven't felt this way in decades. Walking away from something that my brain is still processes while walking away from it. Driving home from it. Trying to go to bed with it in my head. Waking up... brain still processing...

The music is not new. You knew what to expect. But to be shell shocked like that in a small theater makes a mark.

One thing that impressed me is the obvious and PROFOUND respect these guys have for the music. During Echoes... the quiet part before breaking back into the closing verse... they were on stage in almost a "bow your head for a moment of worship" posture... these guys were making a sacrifice to the gods of music. Playing like their souls depended on it. The audience became secondary to the process. No... the audience was at-one with the band for a moment. A collective, in a moment of silence, before they RIPPED into the closing feast.

I need a nap so I can dream some version of what I just saw. I know it was 12 hours ago, but I think I will feel like I "just saw" it for the rest of my life.


By BD contributor, Darrin

Amazing show last night - Crosby and Nash returned to the stage with David, Richard, and the band.

I've waited since seeing the Wall Live in 1980. David's solo on Comfortably Numb was as good, if not better than on top of the wall that night. Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Wish You Were Here were like a dream. Echoes was incredible, the light show lived up to the hype.

Overall an experience that cannot be missed tonight at the Gibson. Or if you are lucky enough to get into the show for the Tonight Show at Burbank studios today. Someone please wake me up it felt like a dream. Looking forward to tonight's show.


By BD contributor, Michael Soucy

Words can't describe how mind blowing tonight's performance was! Many wishes came true when Gilmour announced he'd be playing Los Angeles, as I hadn't seen him since the phenomenal Rose Bowl show in 1994. It was worth the 12 year wait!

Just 6 six simple words can sum up one of the best shows of my 35 year life: "FAT OLD SUN ARNOLD LAYNE ECHOES". Enough said!

In 1987 and 1988 I saw Floyd twice. I was very disappointed when they stopped playing Echoes after the first few shows of the 1987 North American Tour. It was substituted with the wonderful Shine On... but Echoes has always been a favorite. After 19 years, the wait finally ended, and Gilmour played "Echoes" in it's entire mind numbing 30 minutes. Full blow lasers, lights, and smoke were incorporated into the small and extremely plush Kodak theater. This is the same venue where the Academy Awards (Oscars) take place. It was my first time in the hall, and the acoustics were wonderful.

Another wish come ture: Crosby and Nash appeared and sang with Gilmour on 4 tunes: "On an Island", "the Blue", Shine On", and an acapella performance of a CSN song that I do not know the title of. Nash did some interesting dance moves, to say the least. Gimour thanked them for the great vocals and their dancing. It was very humorous.

Unfortunately, I do not have an ididic memory and can't remember the exact song order. Excuse me if I get some songs out of order. I'll leave the task to one of the more coherent Brain Damage reviewers to give us the precise track list and running order. I can tell you that the show opened with Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise followed by the complete On an Island album and then a 15 minute intermission. My favorite performance from the solo album: "Smile". I believe that the second set opened with Shine On... (abbreviated), a few Division Bell tunes, then the amazing run of Fat Old Sun, Arnold Layne, and Echoes. Then I believe he played Wish You Were Here which was augmented by thousands of singing fans! David encored with the CSN acapella tune and Comfortably Numb.

Gilmour's voice and guitar playing were dead on. He played a blistering solo at the end of Fat Old Sun. And to top it off, he played for nearly 3 hours. His voice never waivered.

Dick Parry was in attendance as well and played sax on many songs. David played sax as well, and did a little cumbus playing (just like banjo picking), along with some nice table top slide guitar, ala Pink Floyd at Pompeii.

Rick sang Arnold Layne. It was a such a wonderful moment and the crowd showed their appreciation with a thunderous ovation.

Comfortably was a great finisher and David played some searing solos. He used the lasers to great effect during this finale.

David, please tour again in the near future, whether if be with or without Pink Floyd!!!


By BD contributor, Ed Essa

This is a quick update of David's show in LA tonight. David started out with Breathe/Time/Breathe, which was a bit of a surprise. After these three songs, he announced he would be playing songs from his new album. If you ask me, this was a big mistake. Castellerizon is an opener - period! But let's not dwell on the negative... All of the songs from On an Island were great. And yes, Graham Nash and David Crosby came on for On an Island and Blue (and the other songs noted in the NY show).

Mr. Nash kicked off his shoes before On an Island on this warmer-than-normal LA evening. A big surprise for me was the inclusion of Arnold Layne because, for once in my life, I didn't log onto the Brain Damage website for a few days. Let me assure you - and I don't mean to be overly critical - Arnold Layne was terrible. It sounded like a garage band was covering the song. To be honest, I find it pretty ironic. These guys have gone on to amazing things - but they can't even get their first single to sound good (yes, yes, David wasn't on the original, but you know what I mean). By the way, Rick handled the vocals.

Some things worth noting: Fat Old Sun was great (1971 tour style at the end of the song), Echoes was great, Gilmour's voice was great, and Rick got big cheers during his parts. All in all, a great show. Best of all, Jim Ladd is the local DJ out here - so it was David all the way home on this warm LA night.


By BD contributor, Robert Cooper

I hit my 7th show of the NA tour tonight at the beautiful Kodak theater. It wasn’t very beautiful, although the metal detector pat down was a nice touch. David seemed to sense something wasn’t right, also. Other then the surprise visit, this show was riddled by the worst sound of the tour and the biggest crowd mental cases. There was three separate fights within the first 20 rows of the stage, throughout the show.

Fans were so clueless that they didn’t let Crosby and Nash sing SOYCD – screaming from the crowd instead. Nash finally told everyone to SHUSH into the microphone which did make it a bit better but still hard to hear their work on that song… Nash had a great moment when he walked on stage for On an Island and immediately whipped of his shoes towards Steve’s base drum to sing barefoot. I am sure that Steve has smelt his feet over the years with CSN. Right Steve?

David announced Dick Parry again after SOYCD and then proceeded to thank Mr. Nash and Crosby again, saying “they really can sing”. DG went on to say…”and NOT BAD DANCERS TOO” , referring to Nash’s silly dancing and air guitar. He (Nash) seemed like he had the most fun, including the crowd, of the night.

Speaking of the guests, I wish I could of heard the long conversation that went down between Crosby and Guy Pratt during The Blue. They where just chatting away – bla, bla, bla. Similar to the rest of the 2,000 plus so called fans from LA – chatting away!

Lets HOPE the $300 ticket price (I paid 3x more) for the Gibson on Thursday’s closing night has a similar format but quieter Audience participation.

Hey FANS – IF YOU WANT TO SING ALONG, WHY DON’T YOU DO IT FOR FREE IN YOUR LIVING ROOM???? Why ruin a good show for a man who hasn’t head lined in town for 20 years?

Finally, I thought it was funny how the fight broke out during WYWH 15 row, left of stage. About 6 security guards stood there and David saw it to abruptly end that song and introduce the good ol’ boys once more for their special encore. Everyone was screaming for comfortably numb and as soon as the first guitar solo started, 20% of the crowd started to leave. Typical LA BS. Ever seen a Dodgers game before the 3rd inning or after the 6th? If you have, you must not live near LA…..


By BD contributor, RDP

I have to agree with reviewer Robert Cooper. I have been a fan of both Pink Floyd and David Gilmour for over 30 years. I have been to many shows - both Pink Floyd and Waters/Gilmour and I have to say, this was the most disappointing show I have ever attended.

The musical performance was fantastic however; the problem was with the audience. There were several fights going on during the show… FIGHTS? Fights at a David Gilmour show? Unbelievable, It was as if the show was only about 30% real fans and 70% idiots who were determined to ruin it for everybody else. I was embarrassed for all the good Floyd fans who were looking forward to a memorable night listening to the greatest guitar player of all time and instead attended a circus of drunken losers who ruined the performance for everyone and very likely caused Gilmour to rush through his set.

At one point during SMILE, a jerk standing against the wall near me said, very loudly, “this must be the gay part of the show”. I wanted nothing more than to jump up and cause him major dental reconstruction but that would have only distracted me even further from enjoying the show and only added to the circus of distraction for the few real Floyd/Gilmour fans in attendance.

PLEASE, Gilmour creates beautiful music to be LISTENED to and appreciated not to scream at the top of your lungs, stand up at every opportunity and talk continuously to your neighbors about the latest stock option.

Gilmour’s performance: A
Audience: F


By BD contributor, Kurt Lawson

I just got back from the Kodak Theater show here in LA. It was a great show musically and visually! I've now seen 3/4 of Pink Floyd, having seen Roger Waters in 1999.

The set opened with Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise to jazz up the crowd. Then things moved into On an Island with the entire album performed (but not in the album order). As the title track from On an Island was played, two very special guests walked onstage! David Crosby and Graham Nash joined in just like in NYC! The first set finished beautifully, with perhaps the crowd favorite being Take a Breath.

David started the next set with Shine On, with Crosby and Nash joining in on backing vocals and using one of his red strats. I don't remember the exact order of the setlist since I was too excited! Next I think was Wearing the Inside Out with Rick singing and then Coming Back to Life (those two might have been in the opposite order).

Then David brought out a white Telecaster, and I was thinking "I've never seen that one before!" and sure enough it was Arnold Layne! David said that this was only the second time they were performing this one, and they were not sure if they had rehearsed enough. It was fantastic.

High Hopes was an interesting acoustic/electric hybrid with the acoustic guitar for all solos in the song except the climactic one which of course he used the slide. Echoes was incredible! I don't know what else to say!

The encore brought on an acapella rendition of Find the Cost of Freedom with Crosby and Nash (which David said was a song for our times), followed by Wish You Were Here and an incredible rendition of Comfortably Numb. What a show!

A few things on a less positive note: I was about 15 feet from the left speaker stack directly in front of it. It was so loud I think my ears would have had significant damage had I not brought some backup ear protection. I've been to about 30 rock concerts and this was the loudest concert in perhaps the smallest venue.

The bass was distorted. Bass notes that were loud seemed distorted, as if the speaker stacks could not handle it. I found this annoying.

But worse of all - Kodak Theater security did their best to disrupt almost every song. I was in the 3rd row of the Orchestra section, far left. The seats in front of me changed occupants about a dozen times throughout the night. This constant rustle of people talking and checking tickets and removing people and putting them back was a huge distraction. I was trying to watch and listen to the concert! This was made worse by a guy who kept getting the attention of security during almost every song of the second half. 5-6 Kodak Theater security kept walking in front of the view from our portion of the theater and standing there, then removing a guy who would come back only to have this happen again. I wanted to scream when they came and disrupted the quiet ending of Echoes. I guess they finally kicked the guy out but it was a definite negative on the night's show. Kodak security gets an F in my book.

Also there was a drunken idiot in a white Wall shirt who kept standing up in the way of us in the front left.

All things considered it was a great show and I'm looking forward to tonight's show at the Gibson, hopefully without the Wall guy and gladly away from the incompetent Kodak security people.


By BD contributor, Ted J

I drove down from Vancouver Island, Canada, to see the Kodak show. I did not have a ticket until 15 minutes before opening notes, but thanks to a local, I bought a decent seat for slightly under price (after he made a profit).

The concert was amazing, and I have seen over 200 since 1977, including 3 post-waters Floyd shows. The guy beside me commented during Echoes that it was like riding a coaster. For sure. Aside from the immature audience, and the annoying security guy, the venue sounded good. The bass was a bit distorted from up top during Echoes, but the light show looked like an alien craft doing engine run-ups.

You have to appreciate the new cd to get the full benefit from the show, but there was enough for everyone. And some of the audience looked downright PARANOID. I guess the overall mood in America really has changed since 9/11. Just listen to the music!


By BD contributor, Jim Dent

While in line at the Kodak, everyone was speculating on what the concert would be like. The "experts" said that David would be performing solo. So, that's what I expected.

When I get to my seat and saw the equipment on the stage, I knew he was not alone. However, I never expected what happened next, when the band took the stage and opened with "Breath" and then went stright into "Time", both from Dark Side. After being a fan for over 35 years, this was my very first concert regarding anyone from Pink Floyd. I was just blown away! What a show!

The Kodak is small and seeing David and the band perform in such a small arena was so much better than any stadium. I tell everyone I know, that it was, for the most part, the same PF band that performed the 1987 and 1994 world tours, with a few minor personel changes. This was the very best rock concert I've ever attended, and the second best day of my my 53 years. To this day, Pink Floyd is one of only a few bands left from the 60's that could still pack a stadium.

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