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Home arrow Roger Waters 2007 arrow May 3rd - PALAIS OMNISPORTS DE BERCY, PARIS, FRANCE
bercy ticket
 bercy poster

Capacity: 17,000

Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: 8, Boulevard de Bercy, 75012 Paris, France.  MAP


Tickets for this concert went on sale on November 15th, through the venue,, and other normal agents.

bercy_compThe French radio station RTL2 are giving away tickets for this show in a promotion running up to the event itself. Tune in to the radio station for more details.

The contest has also been advertised in the French newspaper L'Est Républicain which our friend Jujufloyd has sent a scan of - to the left (click to enlarge).

UPDATE - April 29th: More tickets for this show ("production" tickets) have just gone on sale and include tickets in the best sections of the venue. Our thanks to Mathieu for that news.

Finally, our thanks to Herve Denoyelle and Francois Prieto for the ticket scan, shown to the right, and to Benoit Nayrac for sending over the concert poster, again to the right.


SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.




Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

Another great show in one of France's best venues. Covered in grass, your first site of the building is one of surprise. With the majority of the venue under ground, acoustically it is normally very good, with good dampening to the sides of the building.

A great place to see a show, and certainly sounds like Roger and his band made the most of it!

The tour now heads for Arnhem in The Netherlands, before arriving in the UK for the handful of shows there.

CONCERT REVIEW and PICTURES - by BD contributer, Julien Lemaire

Waters at Bercy was great !!!!

I saw his first gig last year in France (at Magny Cours, with Nick Mason). This show at Bercy was good, but no quadrophonic sound... it's too bad that we missed out on this...

Last year, there wasn't the video screen with the radio and the bottle of whisky at first... The pictures are great, the lights too, and the pig !!!!! :)))

The song list was the same, I was hoping for some new stuff... whatever, it was still a great night in Paris... and when I came out of the POPB, a full orange moon was lighting up the sky.... Magic!!!

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CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Louis Backer

Having been mislead by the Omnisports concert seating plan, I thought my ticket was front row behind the mixing desk in the centre of the arena. The delightful Parisienne usherette continued towards the front, at which I postulated that she must be wrong. She jovially said "I have been working here for 20 years monsieur, I am not wrong!" Bingo - my ticket was for THE front row, directly in front of Roger's three female singers. In 27 years of attending Floyd and Waters concerts I have never achieved this, so thank you lovely computerised ticket system - in French!

I was sat next to a chap called Keith, for whom this was the 70th Waters show he'd seen - Roger even nodded to to him on one of his many forays to Stage Left.

The setlist has been copiously afore-mentioned by others, suffice to say that all songs were played superbly and without evident fault. My only comment for improvement would be to revise the ending of the brilliant "Sheep", it's a bit of a pub band ending Roger!

What's better this year? The staging has been given an indoor makeover, with lots of new and improved footage and  video synthesis effects. The former iffy twin-Barco set-up is now just one massive LED screen, very clear and impressively  bright. The overall lighting has been reduced (i.e loss of flown side-rigger banks) however, the lighting has a more atmospheric and harder feel to it - much like David Gilmour's show. It's quite refreshing to see a show that has a greater aesthetic and contemporary feel to it achieved with less lighting gizmo's , rather than the "turn everything upto 11 and blind the buggers" hard-of-thinking production values of say a Robbie Williams show.

I guess for indoor fire-reg reasons the front flames have been dispensed with, but some very good replacement fire effects have been substituted elsewhere on stage.

Sitting where I was, it was great to see everyone's facial expressions so clearly, there were a lot of smiles and appreciative glances between the band members and I even caught Dave and Snowy sniggering at each other (see me in my study after school Kilminster and White). Seeing P.P Arnold at 15ft away singing Perfect Sense was just sublime and I was frequently transfixed by the beauty of Carol Kenyon - nurse, the screens! Ms Kenyon's Great Gig In The Sky is a perfect 10 (unlike Mica Paris's throttled cat rendition for DG last year).

After being given such a hard time at Magny-Cours last year by the over-zealous French militia, I sadly didn't take my camera. The abiding memories will simply have to do.

CONCERT REVIEW and PICTURES - by BD contributer, Benoit Nayrac

Roger is still alive !

What a great concert! My fifth but most certainly my best Roger's show. I've listened to Pink Floyd's music during all my childhood (I'm 33) and this night was the summit. This Paris concert was our third DSOTM venue for Gérard (my father) and me, after Magny Cours in 2006 and Zurich on 11th April. You can imagine my great enjoyment when I arrived at my place at the first row, just in front of Roger (less than 5 meters between his place on the stage and my seat).

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During these 150 minutes, it had been like a dream. The real feeling to have this show just for us and nobody else. Gérard and me, we clapped, waved our arms and sung non stop (while the first rows were sleeping...) from the first to the last song. We were a little disappointed by the calm of the public. I stood up several times on Perfect Sense, Sheep, Time, etc... but I was alone, the first row was quietly sat down.

The performance of all the band was exceptional. Roger of course (we won't speak about the playback on three songs) is always healthy and doesn't stop walking on the stage, Dave and Andy are excellent, Jon and Harry are brillant, the three choristers are always professional. I felt less emotion in Graham' solos especially on Time (better in Zurich) and Snowy was near sleeping on stage! My favorite songs are always Wish you were here, Shine on, Perfect Sense, and Sheep for the first part of the show and all the second part is impressive and terrific.

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As we were so near to the stage, we didn't feel surround effects but you can't have everything!

After Eclipse I stood up and go just in front of Roger to acclaim the band and then... all the public followed me and stayed up until the end of the show.

Thanks Roger, thanks for this tour. After 1984, 1992, 2006, it was fantastic to see him, certainly the last time, in these exceptional conditions.

And like Gérard sang before the encores: "Roger, Président !" (elections for the French president are this weekend in France!)

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Herve Denoyelle

Lips sync? Yes. Too much Kilminster and not enough Snowy? Yes. A slaughtered version of SOYCD? Yes. A messed up solo in the grand finale of Comfortably Numb? Yes.

BUT this remains one of the most enjoyable shows touring this planet. Seeing Roger in this form is pure pleasure. Criticism should be put aside and we should consider ourselves blessed with what we have and simply enjoy it while it is still there. Let's have our last few jars of caviar!

CONCERT PICTURES - by BD contributer, Julien Piscione

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CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, BSaintMartin

A bit disapointed with Roger Waters show yesterday in Paris. Saw him last July and he was singing throughout. But yesterday night, I'm not sure at all that he was really singing and it looks like that it was a CD going through at times. But nevertherless, the musicians were great and the light playing was great.

And even though, if he's coming back to France in the near future, I will see him again with great pleasure!

CONCERT PICTURES - by BD contributer, Maxime Berne

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CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Philippe Domanski


C'est ici à Bercy que j'ai vu pour la première fois Roger Waters, c'était le 06 Juillet 84 à l'occasion du tour « Pros and cons » Pas d'écrans géants mais de petites silhouettes difficiles à reconnaître. Un souvenir extraordinaire...

Mais ce 03 mai 07 l'a été encore davantage... Le Show de Bercy à tenu toutes ses promesses!!

La set list s'est déroulée impeccablement, Les moments forts pour moi demeurent: Set the Controls, Have a Cigar, Les titres de Final Cut, Leaving Beirut, Sheep!! Et le surpuissant on the run!!!

La performance vocale sur "Great gig in the sky » superbe.


Le public trop sage à terminé les 20 dernières minutes du Concert debout! de Brain damage à Comfortably numb.. it was GREAT!

Je crois qu'un tel show peut se repeter indéfiniment, et on le vit avec toujours autant d'intensité...!

Merci à RW de nous faire vivre Dark side of the moon trente ans après nos ainés un cadeau extraordinaire pour cette ouvre intemporelle.

CONCERT PICTURES - by BD contributer, Joel Hubert

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CONCERT REVIEW and pictures - by BD contributer, Jujufloyd

A fantastic night in Paris!!!

I know the tour by heart, following it via the internet day by day, reading reviews, watching videos, listening to bootlegs etc... So I knew his gig in Paris would be excellent, but I was far from reality! This show is the best I've ever seen!! The Magny Cours gig was fantastic, David's gig in Vienne was awesome, but this one was absolutely incredible.

Roger and his band have built a remarkable show, human and extremly powerful. Fireworks, flames, confettis, astronaut, flying pig, surreal images on screens...

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The first part was very moving. Shine On under bubbles, Perfect Sense with the great PP Arnold, Leaving Beirut full of emotions and anger, Sheep finished to set this first part on fire!

DSOTM was perfect. I love this version. Roger played this DSOTM as it used to be in the 70s: powerful, ironic, moving and wicked.

The encore was great: we were all standing up in front of the stage, singing and jumping on ABITW2, screaming on Bring the Boys, and singing with our hearts on CN.

Roger proved at 63 year-old he's still able to lead an enormous show. He's talented and the band's members are excellent.

Believe me, French fans are waiting for his next tour with a huge impatience!! Come back any time Roger, we love you!!!

PS: moreover, I was lucky enough to meet Harry waters, Jon Carin and Dave Kilminster. A perfect day!

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Jérôme Ravon

The band is just fantastic...

The highlights?

Roger's arrival on some messianic classic violins, high-clear lighted, that gave a strange but nice impression.

The new LED screen behind that showed a lot of new footages that looked great and a big good sound that blowed the first rows where I was.

The wish you were here triptyc with shine 1-5 / Have a Cigar / wish you were here was a great moment with the electrical noise at the end of Have a Cigar! And that after the blistering Set the Controls!

Southampton Dock followed by Fletcher sounded the best I could hope, very moving.

Perfect Sense worked well with the crowd tape which always seems real!

Sheep blasted the crowd of Bercy, while piggy floated above us - It’s not a really nice pig but it’s a big pig! - and flames heating the back of the stage.

The Dark Side of the Moon:

Intro with the moon satellite and his heart-beating red light looked well.

The trains / racing cars breaks during On the Run was incredible as the numerical effect on the screen gave a deep space and speed impression.

A great Great gig in the sky with an amazing female performance.

A thundering Us and Them during the tenor sax chorus. Roger’s anthem?

Any colour you like, powerful articulation to the two final tracks which Roger sang with an evident sincerity.

Vera and Bring the boys was brilliant as Brick 2 and Comfortably Numb were a nice rendition of what we already know. But what a pleasure to hear them close to Roger who seemed very moved by the audience thanking him and his band.

The show was an unforgettable moment for any floyd fan, if you don’t pay attention to Roger’s lip-synch on a few tracks (including Time!); the Kilminster’s guitar playing which is too close to Gilmour’s originals; Leaving Beirut which is not a good live song as Each Small Candle was; is Dark Side really interesting without David?...

We certainly would have liked more new tracks or rarely-played floyd or Roger’s songs. Last year, Gilmour chose the fantastic Echoes as his concert highlight, while his new album filled the first part of the show, as Roger did in the 80’s.

We’re witnessing the definitive reversion of what we’ve seen since they splited up. Roger takes back the benefit (the revenge?) of what he couldn’t do between 87 and 94 while the 3 other floyd trusted the name of Pink Floyd. They won’t play together anymore and only Roger seems to be able to re-inject some life in the dead Pink Floyd. And the way he does is just fantastic., which one’s pink?

CONCERT PICTURES - by BD contributer, Renate (from

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Last Updated ( Monday, 07 May 2007 )
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