Poznan International Trade Fair |
Ticket scan thanks to Marek |
Ticket scan thanks to Janusz Dziuba |
Concert starts: 9pm
Address of venue: 14, Glogowska Street, 60-734 Poznan, Poland. MAP
Website: www.ca-ira.wp.pl
Strictly speaking, this show does not form part of Roger's summer tour, as it is devoted to his opera, Ca Ira. Forming the world premiere performance of the piece (with costumed actors taking part) it is different from the Rome shows in November 2005, which were far simpler events, just using projections.
The Fair Centre is located in the centre of the city opposite the western exit from the main railway station - Poznan Glówny. You can easily reach the Fair Centre from Poznan Lawica Airport by bus or taxi, going straight down Bukowska Street to the city centre.
Roger held a press conference for this show, on May 8th in Warsaw. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD or VIEW but be aware, it is only suitable for those with fast connections. The five minute video is around 20MB in size! Our thanks to Marek Grzesiak for his help with this.
Marek has also supplied a translation of a chat held with fans on May 8th. Here are some of the more interesting questions, and how Roger answered them:
Q: Will you attend the Poznan show?
A: I saw the preparations and I am very happy, it is excellent work. Of course I'll be there.
Q: Would you accept changes in your opera (rock guitars and so on)?
A: No, but everyone can do whatever he wants with the music. In my arrangement there's no guitar. You can play Beethoven on beer cans if you want!
Q: Are you considering creating a new concept album, something like "The Pros And Cons", with one story in the background, or will the new "rock'n'roll" album be a blend of single songs?
A: It will be a concept album. I've got a whole bunch of ideas, but they are too complicated to explain it now.
Q: Do you plan some Pink Floyd-type surprises for fans in Poznan?
A: No, Janusz is in charge, it is his responsibility. Maybe I'll say only "hello" at the beginning and the end of the show, or I'll step on stage to pick up flowers or rotten fruit, depending on people's reaction to the opera.
Q: Do you still dislike Margaret Thatcher?
A: Absolutely, nothing has changed. Her policy was inhuman.
Q: Do you prefer to write rock or opera music?
A: That doesn't make any difference for me. Writing any kind of music is a great pleasure. Writing an opera is not much harder.
Q: Could we expect a DVD of this show?
A: I don't think so. I've heard nothing about it.
Q: What kind of music has inspired you?
A: The list is too long to talk about it. It contains all kinds of music. At the moment, I am listening to a John Prine album. Yesterday I received a copy of Andy Fairweather-Low's new album - he has played in my band. I think it's an awesome album.
Our friend Bob Close, who runs the Russian Pink Floyd fansite has posted the description of how the event will be staged, from text supplied by the promoters: CLICK HERE FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION or HERE FOR THE RUSSIAN VERSION.
Here's what the show will consist of - performers and some other curiosities:
Orchestra - 70 people
Choir of Teatr Wielki (Great Theatre) - 100 people
Chór Akademicki (Academic Choir) - 50 people
Chór Chlopiecy (Boys Choir) - 30 people
London Community Gospel Choir - 15 people
Ballet - 35 people
Conductors - 4 people
Sollists - 14 people
Stunts - 9 people
Army company - 120 people
Technicans - 100 people
Horses, carriages, coaches.
In full surround sound.
Our thanks to Janusz Dziuba for all this great information!

Picture thanks to Arek Druzdzel
By Brain Damage contributor, Knut Arne Vedaa
Not being an opera fan myself, and having only heard excerpts of Waters' opera Ca Ira, I didn't know what to expect from the world premiere in Poznan. Well, suffice to say that I was delightedly surprised, no, completely blown away would be more accurate.
The show opened with a singer being suspended some 20 meters above the stage, hanging from a giant lift, symbolising a bird. And the jaw-dropping factor only increased from there. There were a symphony orchestra, a large choir, singers, actors, acrobats, dancers, horses, film clips, burning props, fireworks...now have I forgotten something?
Oh yes, the said lift from which during the show were suspended singers, acrobats, a cage filled with people, a car, a giant crucifix that were smashed to pieces, a giant guillotine...well I surely must have forgotten something, but never mind. In other words, when Waters and his collaborators set up a show, they do it with style.
Well, style, but were there any substance? As mentioned I generally don't enjoy opera, but this music was very captivating, although on it's own the music would not have been able to hold my attention during the whole show. But with the dramatication there was not any low points, not any boring or uninteresting during the whole performance, indeed it was at times extremely moving and emotional.
Scenes from the historical French Revolution were mixed with anachronistical elements to make the story more applicable to our modern day. The performance was virtually flawless, and ended with a beautiful scene of a little boy crossing a bridge - a symbol of the faith needed to create a change in the history of mankind. A terrific evening indeed.
What a triumph. Hopefully this will not be a one-off event, it deserves to be shown again.
By Brain Damage contributor, Arek Druzdzel
The premiere of "Ca Ira" was very spectacular: imagine 14.000 in the audience (all tickets sold out), three stages (two of 12,5m x 12,5m and the main one: 30m x 20m H=8m with poles 14m high), four choirs, ballet, philharmonic orchestra, over 380 artists from all over the world, cranes (really important ones!), cars and other vehicles, perfect sound in every place of this open air show, multi-media, 3D animations, animals and... 0.5m high haircuts... So, that was the show for the audience.
Music itself and especially libretto, seems to me (much) more difficult to digest at once. I would say, there was no inspiring or memorable arias and with only one duet (a good one) I left the show very pleased with what I saw but, not delighted... I will definitely listen to the music on CD and maybe later on I will change my mind.
By Brain Damage contributor, David Jacovelli
This show was absolutely stunning - better even than the Berlin '90 one. It was a technical extravaganza the likes of which I've never seen before for sheer scope and imagination. Roger was there in person to introduce the show at the beginning and was on stage at the end to thank everyone. Further news on that score is that the concert was DEFINITELY filmed. I saw at least 8 cameras at work, include crane cameras and a camera rig, and I believe it was broadcast simultaneously on Polish TV. Fingers crossed for a quality DVD release....
ONE FINAL BIT OF INTERESTING INFORMATION... Roger actually made a secret cameo appearance during the show as The Pope!